View Full Version : Worried about lungs and breathing.

21-03-22, 17:25
Hi everyone,

I am always worried about my breathing, especially since I had COVID back in January. My anxiety has been terrible since then.
I didn't really have any breathing problems while I was sick, however, since I got it I have had tons of post nasal drip, and this itchy sensation inside my chest. Sometimes a cough but that is mostly triggered when the itchy sensation worsens (from not hydrating well, or from dust and other allergies).

I have gotten a chest X-ray done back in February when it was at it's worst and everything was cleared. The itchy feeling isn't bad anymore, but it does come and go and thankfully not as bad and I can feel it getting better daily. However, I am generally worried about exercising and breathing. I am even having nightmares about it now, last night it felt like I dreamt I couldn't breathe and it felt so real. I woke up with my heart racing. Does it sound like it was only a dream? Sometimes I worry that it was real life, but I was able to calm myself down.

Asthma tests came back normal when something similar like this happened 3 years ago. I feel anxious because I can't truly like my life when it's difficult to worry about my breathing. :(

21-03-22, 17:35
It also might just be in my head and just a lingering symptom for covid. I also don't feel breathing issues when going up the stairs, but I fear it and worry which gets my mind going.

21-03-22, 17:58
Same, had covid in December. Now have gook in throat, coughing at night and it often feels like I can’t get deep breath into my lungs. I think anxiety it making it worse.

21-03-22, 19:06
Same, had covid in December. Now have gook in throat, coughing at night and it often feels like I can’t get deep breath into my lungs. I think anxiety it making it worse.

I wonder if this is a common lingering side effect from COVID. But yes anxiety makes it way worse!

I came up upstairs and started putting away clean clothes from my laundry basket and I found I was breathing hard. But I’m not sure if that is normal from going up the stairs and then walking back and forth from my closet to bed and putting clothes away or what. It didn’t feel like I was having trouble breathing. Just felt like i was breathing heavier than usual because of doing activities.

22-03-22, 17:26
It’s so hard to weed out covid symptoms and anxiety. Yours truly sounds like anxiety. You mentioned you were tested for asthma. Did your regular doctor test for that or did you have to go to a specialist? I got a home flow range meter and it’s super low but I read home ones are inaccurate.

24-03-22, 04:13
It’s so hard to weed out covid symptoms and anxiety. Yours truly sounds like anxiety. You mentioned you were tested for asthma. Did your regular doctor test for that or did you have to go to a specialist? I got a home flow range meter and it’s super low but I read home ones are inaccurate.

My asthma test was done about 4 years ago when I experienced the same chest sensation and had lingering cough after a bad cold. It was done by a lunch specialist at the hospital. It was a pulmonary function test!

God, my anxiety has been so bad today. I’ve been overthinking the chesty itch and my heart. Just been so terrible, I’m so afraid of something bad happening. But I think it’s anxiety as when I’m busy symptoms don’t bother me. How are you feeling?

12-05-22, 21:53
Same, had covid in December. Now have gook in throat, coughing at night and it often feels like I can’t get deep breath into my lungs. I think anxiety it making it worse.

I am exactly the same and breathing is becoming a nightmare as terrified and sooooo unhappy and down and now to top off I started using saline spray for nose to help with mucus in throat which is but now stressing as one side it gets to throat and other side it doesn’t - I just can’t deal with anymore worries 😢😢😢