View Full Version : Needles in fingers and other things...

21-03-22, 18:51
I'm not in full blown panic about anything yet, but am just...concerned. And as one of my biggest HA concerns is writing something off that later turns out to be important, I am trying to work through this.

I noticed a few days ago that I had a sort of tingle/jolt in my right-hand ring finger when I press on the finger or run another finger down that finger. This isn't something I do naturally, but I noticed it when I tried to pick up my phone and my phone pressed on it; sometimes turning doorknobs triggers it too. It's like a tingle but also kind of feels like if you were getting shocked? But sort of subtle and more prolonged than just one quick shock.

It isn't constant. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't.

I also noticed today that my right hand felt a lot colder than my left. Again, not something that sticks around but I've noticed it occasionally today.

I did google, but nothing sinister really came up. Thankfully, I suppose. But that doesn't really make me feel too much better.

I've also since had tingles in my other fingers as well as sort of pain/tingles in my arms, but not sure if that is just a result of being anxious.

Other things - I've had off and on pain in my right ear, and off and on pain under both arms, sort of in the armpit area. Also may be unrelated.

The only thing I could think of was a pinched nerve, but IDK. I was carrying my two year old nephew around the pasture on that side a day or two before I noticed it, so that's possible. Maybe.

I just was at the doctor, but just for a migraine medication re-check. I am hoping this isn't an issue and I feel silly running back there, especially if it's nothing so...has this happened to anyone else?

23-03-22, 14:24
I'm struggling a bit more today as I recalled that I had been having some other issues - mostly lightheadedness (not outright vertigo, but that sort of light feeling you get when you are really tired) as well as random "jumps" in vision that have been occurring for months now, totally randomly, but I just kind of assumed it was anxiety or just something sort of normal.

This morning I sort of felt the same feeling in my middle finger on my right hand, but it wasn't as intense so perhaps I imagined it. It's so strange because sometimes it gets triggered - I pick up my phone and I feel it in that ring finger - and other times it's perfectly fine.

Also this morning I rested my head on my hand and was pressing on my left-side jaw area which gave me pains in my head (kind of above my eye) so maybe I pressed on a nerve but then like 10 minutes later I did the same thing and it was fine.

I feel silly because this is really stressing me out, but I don't want to visit my doctor, partially because I'm afraid of it being something bad, but even more so because I think he's going to think I'm crazy.

24-03-22, 18:40
I think your finger tingling is normal with anxiety. Last night I was anxious and I also felt tingling in my fingers as well as prick feeling in my arms. Literally just felt one right now as I type this!

The lightheadedness always happens to me. Especially with anxiety, I don’t even need to be in panic mode and I’ll feel slightly off and lightheaded. I try not to feed into it because my body can make it worse.

Just take your time today and relax! Try to keep your mind busy. I’ve really been trying to do that. I know easier said than done but I know you can do it!!

24-03-22, 21:02
Thanks. It's a challenge because it's painful and it is so random - it will be fine for awhile, then I go to pick something up and I get the shooting pain again. And then I start thinking of other things, or experiencing other things, and I start to believe it's all related and something really sinister.

But I guess the only thing to do is calm down, give it a couple of weeks, and ask my doc if needed.

25-03-22, 15:52
It's almost comical at this point, but I do think overall the pain is subsiding. I have pain now in my thumb on the same hand - it's a different type of pain; almost like a superficial sting. I thought I had a cut at first but hand sanitizer doesn't seem to aggravate it and I can't see anything. Also can feel what I think is a lymph node in my neck, which logically I realize means probably nothing but with my HA mind means something very bad indeed.

I think I had a splinter in my affected ring finger that took awhile to come out, so am now trying to not jump off a cliff that I ended up with some sort of dire infection, but being as I otherwise feel fine and have no fever I guess that wouldn't be the case?

I'm just exhausted over it in general, and I was ill last night with a headache so didn't get much sleep, which just has exhausted me further unfortunately. I'm off a little early today and may have to treat myself to a nap.

27-03-22, 22:57
It sounds a lot like just normal, run of the mill nerves acting up (this can be flared by anxiety but more often its just idiopathic and will come and go at random for no real reason)

Small chance based on your description though it could be early stage carpal tunnel syndrome so i'd maybe ask the doctor for an NCT just to check that out.

Either way this doesnt sound sinister at all. I'd relax about the situation.

28-03-22, 15:13
It sounds a lot like just normal, run of the mill nerves acting up (this can be flared by anxiety but more often its just idiopathic and will come and go at random for no real reason)

Small chance based on your description though it could be early stage carpal tunnel syndrome so i'd maybe ask the doctor for an NCT just to check that out.

Either way this doesnt sound sinister at all. I'd relax about the situation.

Thanks. I'm wondering if it could be carpel tunnel related, maybe triggered by carrying my nephew around. I work in an office so do a lot of typing/mouse use, and I'd been knitting a bear for my new niece so that's likely not helpful either. I'll probably try to do some at-home stuff and give it a few weeks to try and resolve itself, hopefully it does and I can just mention it at my physical in June. Thanks!

29-03-22, 00:02
Poppy I get this often - I also spend all day typing/using a mouse. Haven’t been seen for it but I’m sure it’s the beginnings of carpal tunnel. Mine does go away eventually but those random occasions where you get that electric shock feeling and subsequent tingling/numbness are really annoying for sure!! They do make wrist braces that I’ve worn when it’s acting up more than usual. They do help, a bit awkward to sleep in but you get used to it lol