View Full Version : Again with heart worries

23-03-22, 17:31
Hi all, I'm back here with heart worries. I'm a 33 year old male and two weeks ago I was having shortness of breath or rather difficulty getting a deep satisfying breath, I get this from time to time but this triiggered some heart worries cause I also get some stings sometimes in the left side of the chest. I had some BP scares last year when I measured kinda high but that was attributed to white coat syndrome. But like I said about two weeks ago I was having the breathing issues and they started again today. They seem to have gotten better for about a week after doing some exercises and I can do some long exercises without getting exhausted
My heart rate seems OK but it varies from 60s to the 100s depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes I'm also getting like a buzzing sensation in my left breast from time to time but heartbeat still normal. I don't feel any skips or anything when I take my pulse on my wrist.
Should I be worried, should I go for some EKG or something like that? No family history of heart disease.

23-03-22, 23:55
Based on your post, it would seem like nothing physically wrong. Based on your age and family history it would lean towards anxiety and your mental and physical reaction to normal physical reactions.


24-03-22, 01:07
Based on your post, it would seem like nothing physically wrong. Based on your age and family history it would lean towards anxiety and your mental and physical reaction to normal physical reactions.


Thanks for responding. What makes you say that there is nothing physically wrong? I really do hope that's the case. I'd be devastated if I had heart failure in my 30s.......

24-03-22, 01:26
What makes you say that there is nothing physically wrong?

Everything in your post. As one that has heart disease, two heart attacks, triple bypass and triple stents, nothing stands out as sinister. If you're that concerned see a doctor.