View Full Version : Doctor reassurance doesnt last long

25-03-22, 12:30
Hi everyone , in 2013 I had a small polyp removed from my vulva area. It left a small bump for years i guess scar tissue( I think). However , after having my baby I seem to have developed health anxiety about anything and everything and this is the latest worry... My doctor has seen it twice and offered a steroid cream incase it got itchy , which its not, but she couldnt really tell me what it was and said Its odd but I definitely dont think its anything to be concerned about and i think it is probably related to the benign lump you had removed in 2013 and I dont think it requires any further treatment at this stage. I hate when she uses phrases like 'I dont think' and 'at this stage' as my mind goes overtime thinking that she is not sure and that in the future it could turn cancerous. I wish she would just say its nothing to worry about as i cant cope with any amount of doubt just now i need to be sure. I was doing well but I am so sick of being anxious about these things , its so draining and ruins my life at times. Please can anyone give any tips to make my mind accept that it is most likely scar tissue and that the doctor is not conerned. Hope someone can help put my mind at ease

25-03-22, 18:14
Honestly, she's probably saying those things on the very miniscule chance something does happen, or frankly, it could just be down to the way women talk. I work in admin and I've certainly noticed that as I make phone calls or send emails, instead of just "we are missing this form, please send as soon as possible" my verbiage is more "just checking in, it looks like we are missing this form from you, please send when you have a chance and if you need any assistance just let me know". Like we need to police language or cover bases more than others.

Not saying that's absolutely the case, or that this is the place to discuss gender politics but...it may be as simple as that. Reading what you've put it sounds like she's basically saying this isn't harmful now, it probably never will be, but let me know if it changes drastically. Which is obviously very difficult with HA as we are constantly afraid every minor change is a drastic one. But hang in there. Maybe if you are worried ask her what might constitute something that you'd need to look for?

25-03-22, 21:27
Thanks for replying. I think you're right, its almost like she wants to cover all bases just incase of the slight possibility she is wrong. She did say to me I need to stop looking at google and that even doctors cannot be 100 per cent sure. Health Anxiety I think is that NEED for certainty but I guess in life we cant get absolute certainty. I went back and asked another doctor who didnt look at it as she said the first doctor had extensive training in gynaecology and I should trust first docotrs opinion over hers as she is more qualified. The first doctor did say if it was anything sinister it would be changing ie getting bigger. But Im not sure how accurately I can monitor that as its in an awkward area. I guess I need to try and trust that it is most likely ok. So much easier said than done though