View Full Version : Asbestos exposure anxiety

25-03-22, 20:19
Hi I’m new here. I’ve suffered with anxiety since my first son was born 5 years ago obsessing with sterilising, germs, worrying about head injuries convincing myself he’s going to die. Similarly have felt the same with my two year old and one year old.
We have recently bought a barn to convert (yet to exchange) part of the contract was they demolish the large barn next to ours. They have taken it down but the cement type roof has been left there and now some has become broken since storms etc. Also our barn has recently lost a bit of the aspestos roof (panel laying next to it) and the adjacent barn bought by another buyers roof has pretty much nearly folded in (again another piece of the stuff on the floor). My absolute nightmare and torture is that I have walked my young children down there and over the field close by to the barns I am so anxious and sick I can’t eat, sleep I’ve started taking pills to try and help negate the worry but I can’t! I feel like I want to die the thought of them all getting cancer in 10/20 years is too much.
I keep trying to read positive outcomes/ articles and have signed up for hypnotherapy and cbt as I am wasting away.
Obviously we were in open air not in the barns themselves / not there during any collapsing/ demolishing and it has been maybe three walks nearby very briefly then onto the fields.
My husband/ dad no one else thinks I need to worry as we weren’t drilling etc and it’s apparently concreted in so less risky on the scale of things but I am having a complete mental breakdown.
Also I will say the sewerage contractors/ other buyers and architect have all been there too and I am seemingly the only been pushed into depression with worry, please someone reassure me this is not a high risk :’( I keep reading it can take years of exposure to end up getting damage and I am desperately trying to hold on to this. I blame myself/ my husband for taking them there and I can’t live with this

25-03-22, 20:57
It's not a high risk.

Asbestos cement panels such as you describe have very little actual asbestos in them - a few percent at best. It's bound very tightly in with the cement and presents little hazard unless you insist on taking drills, saws and angle grinders to it. The effects of asbestos exposure are cumulative, so it is *extremely* unlikely you or anyone else will come to any harm unless you do something *really* stupid.

It is the only asbestos-containing material deemed safe enough to be handled by a member of the public as long as a few simple precautions are followed: you may be surprised to know that the HSE gives guidelines for the public on how to remove the asbestos cement water tanks in lofts, for example. Something I need to do in due course.