View Full Version : Why it must be at least 2 months since my last health panic so another one due...

21-11-07, 08:17
Or even here!

Found a spot just under my ear yesterday - not red, no head but slightly tender to touch.

Now some background. I am prone to skin infections on my face - acne, rosacea etc. It's now being controlled with a long term antibiotic and an antibiotic facial gel. A few new spots have appeared in the last couple of weeks but nothing in comparison to the amount I used to get.

So - my new spot under my ear. I felt it, looked at it, thought about it and low level anxiety began..

Mrs Rational "It's a spot - you're prone to them and just because it doesn't have the conventional appearance of a spot yet means nothing"

Mrs Irrational "Oh my God - it's a lymph node - I must have cancer somewhere"


Just WHAT is it with me? Why do I do this to myself. Incidentially I have checked the spot this morning - still not red and no head but it's definitely a spot - more sore today - at least that's what I know 50-70% of the time. The other 30% or so is more irrational.

Must stop looking at and touching the spot. Am going to try and ignore it.

23-11-07, 12:10
I think you got to stop touching it thats for sure expecially if you suffer from problems with your skin. Plus I found if I worry I get more pimples/spots and they come up in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Plus I have wierd lumps on my head which I have been told are just there and will go if they want.

I would say if hangs around and causes you problems go to the doc, hopefully it will dissapear :)

Take care,

23-11-07, 21:33

Do what I do. Do not check for lumps or bumps, shower in the dark or with yours eyes closed. Get dressed in record speed. I find not allowing my mind to hunt for problems allows me to keep calm on a daily basis.

Hope this helps
