View Full Version : Multiple breast indentations/dimples

26-03-22, 19:12
Oh my gosh guys, I’m spiralling. I think this might be the real deal this time.

I have 5 separate areas of indentations on my left boob. All quite large, but different in their presentation.

I’ve x2 long indented lines on outside of the breast when I raise my arm. They run parallel like train tracks and are about the length of my finger.
Then I have 2 smaller ones on the inside of my under boob which together create a line about 2 inches long. They’re at about the 8 o clock position, again, only visible with my arm raised and they look like a bra indent (but definitely are not, as I’ve been watching them for 2 weeks)
And finally, a larger one that looks like a thumbprint and causes a “sucking in” effect on the contour of my boob. This one is directly on top of the ones that look like a bra imprint, but is only visible when I lean forward with arm raised.

I can’t feel any lumps, I can stretch them all out with my fingers, and they disappear when I lie down. And with my arms by my side, my boobs look normal.

I’m terrified. I’ve been avoiding Dr Google, but reading cancer forums instead, and there are soooo many people whose dimples were much smaller and fewer than mine, but still had cancer. It kinda seems like breast lumps have a 1/10 chance of being cancer, but no statistics are published for dimples…we’re just told they’re very worrying!

I have an appointment at the breast clinic in 10 days, and it’s all I can think about.
We’re supposed to be going on holiday on Monday, and my little boy has covid, and yet with all of this going on, I feel like I’m on another planet, consumed in my own fears.

I need to live in the present moment. Please, does anyone have any reassuring words to help calm me til my appointment.

26-03-22, 22:03
Please, does anyone have any reassuring words to help calm me til my appointment.

No 'What if's"... Have any of the fears you've posted about in the last close to 4 years come true? ;)


27-03-22, 19:51
but reading cancer forums instead

Its very hard to counter someone's negativity, who is going to cancer forums !

You have been here far too many times before, BC fears going back years........they sound like stretch marks, loss of fat with aging and general sagging and normal tissue changes. Those show up when your arms are raised above your head. You should be an absolute expert by now on doing manual examinations, and nothing has shown. How did you end up with an appointment at the B clinic ?

28-03-22, 10:06
I’m sorry limeslime you are feeling this way, however do you think this hyper awareness about your breast might be something to do with the raise ca25 levels you have.

You have had all the gynelogical tests that showed everything was normal so now because of the raised ca125 and you knowing that tumours else where in the body can cause it, is that what’s making you think like this and concentrate on these indents more ?

The brain is a weird and wonderful thing and as health anxiety sufferers we always looking for answers and this might be your anxiety talking.

I personally have stretch makers and other creases in breast due to weight loss and a lot of other women probably Will as well.

I know it’s Easier said than done but you’ve had breast issues before and the same fear and it was all ok

Also please don’t look at cancer forums that’s one thing I don’t even do in the hight of my anxiety all these people have been diagnosed with cancer and they will give their perspective but we don’t know these people and don’t know the true picture. I will
Be honest not that I’m justifying my googling at all but during my searches if I come across any cancer forums or posts I run a mile don’t open them as it will Instill more fear in you.

03-04-22, 11:25
Thanks for the replies guys, I’ve been away for a few days so not had chance to come online to see them, but your grounding words are much appreciated.

You’re right that BC fears have dominated my HA, but you’ll also notice I hadn’t been on here for 2 years because I finally got on top of them! Life returned to normal and all was good.

My GP referred me to the breast clinic because she said that breast dimpling should always be checked out, especially when it is a new change.
Obviously I do hope this is all just aging/weight stuff, but they can also be BC symptoms so it’s still scary. These are not little stretch marks, they are the length of a finger and indented like a dimple in the cheek or cellulite.

You’re all right about reading Cancer forums though. I thought it’d be helpful….that I’d find posts from others with dimples who went on to get the all clear, but instead, I found lots of posts from thrives and survivors stating the importance of getting them checked because “subtle dimples were their only symptom”.

Oh, and Sunshinegirl, great news…my CA125 came back down to a normal range finally!! Woohoo!!! I credit detoxing and getting tested outside of my period and ovulation times!

Urgh. Appointment in 2 days. Just trying to keep distracted!

03-04-22, 17:02
The trouble is Limeslime, if you go to the Breast Cancer forums you are going to a self-selecting group of people most of whom have been diagnosed - thats why they are there ! (but they are not the majority, by any stretch of the imagination, of those who go to Breast clinics). You've found out that those on the cancer forums will base their answers on your written concerns, and their 'duty' will be to recommend and encourage medical assessement as they don't know your situation and nobody should be making medical decisions choices on behalf of somebody else. They don't know that you have breast related HA, and have done in the past ! If they knew the background they would possibly give a rather different response. Those who have gone to the cancer forum and found out that they are find and dandy, have all moved on and not returned. Hell - even the majority of those who have had BC have all moved on and are getting on with their lives ;) Never go visit a cancer forum if you have HA, its terrible for you.

Your GP has given the go-ahead for a check based on this dimpling, it is wise, but it sounds like nothing was found in manual examination - so thats obviously good news. You know the score here, you've had checks before, its hard waiting and keeping your mind in check, but from past experience you also know that no amount of fear at this point will change anything.

03-04-22, 18:39
Thank you Carys! I’ve certainly learned my lesson about the cancer forums!
In regards to my GP, she didn’t do a manual examination, she just looked at the photographs I showed her. So I only have my own observations to reassure myself with, and fortunately I’ve not felt any underlying lumps. Nor do I have any family history, nipple retraction, orange peel skin or any other risk factors that I can see.
Hopefully, just a girl getting older and saggier! Fingers crossed!

05-04-22, 13:14
I like to provide an update on these threads incase anyone finds themselves here in a similar situation.
I had my appointment today at the breast clinic. I had my first ever mammogram (I’m 38) and an ultrasound. Both showed no problems. Then finally I was seen by the breast consultant who did a manual check of my breasts. He said he couldn’t feel anything suspicious and my scans were clear, but that, because I’ve only been aware of these skin changes for a few weeks, he’d like to arrange a follow up appointment with himself in 3 months. So yeah…that one threw me a bit?!
I guess it’s good news, but I’m a bit baffled by the need for a follow up if my scans were clear. 🤷*♀️

05-04-22, 23:41
I’m so happy for you limeslime with your ca125 test coming back normal just shows how weird our bodies are.
With regards to the follow up I think they just being careful that’s all,some times doctors do that, I’ve experienced this first hand with a family member although their MRi CT ultrasound showed nothing suspicious the consultant still wanted a follow up.

06-04-22, 16:53
but that, because I’ve only been aware of these skin changes for a few weeks, he’d like to arrange a follow up appointment with himself in 3 months. So yeah…that one threw me a bit?!

He's being ultra cautious. There is nothing at this point of any concern (AND your CA125 test is normal importantly !!!), but you have 'potentially' (in his mind) pointed out a 'symptom' at a very very early stage, even before a scan and mammogram would pick something up. You've said you are baffled , so I'm going to be up front with you - there are some forms of BC in younger women that are fast moving and this consultant wants to be double/triple sure that nothing is about to 'appear' and has changed in 3 months time incase he scanned and examined you at the point of incredibly early stages. The symptoms would be far less subtle in 3 months. I don't say this to concern you, because it certainly sounds like you have no reason at all to worry, but in 3 months time the consultant would be able to be absolutely and completely categorically send you on your way, if nothing has indeed changed. This is gold-standard care from a very judicious consultant.

07-04-22, 16:36
Thank you Carys for your honesty. I do feel so much better for knowing.
I’m gonna put this on a back burner til July. I feel like I’ve had a good MOT this year already, so my mind feels clear and reassured!