View Full Version : Family Planning Clinic Fiasco

21-11-07, 09:25
I got a letter last week saying I was due for my smear test this month and the letter said to either go to my GP or the Family Planning Clinic. As I have agoraphobia I find it quite difficult going to the GP as you have to see the nurse and they only work in the mornings and I really do feel much worse in the mornings. For that reason I have always gone along to the local Family Planning Clinic as at least I don't have to make an appointment and they are open once a week in the evening.

So last night along I went armed with my iPod and a book as I usually have to wait ages. After waiting a few minutes to be seen by the receptionist I was told that "We aren't doing smear tests until we have had our training!!!!!" I just don't understand why the letter told me I could go to the FPC if they are no longer trained to do them? Also I always thought a doctor did them at the FPC but this was a receptionist telling me that. I guess I should have asked more questions but by this time I had started to panic as my partner and I had agreed that while I was in there he would take our dog for a walk rather than just sit in the car for ages and I knew that the longer I was in there the further away he would be.

I'm really confused now as I really don't think I can handle going to the GP surgery. Having also gone through the stress of having a mammogram recently and also having a dental appointment this evening I'm really feeling very stressed out :weep: