View Full Version : Paracetomal accident with history of Anxiety!

27-03-22, 14:56
Hi all, literally have no idea what sub to put this in, but here goes.

Between 6AM and 2AM (a 21 hour period as our clocks went forward today), I took 10x500mg paracetomal tablets for legit reasons (extremely sore throat).

Anyways, I didn’t realize what I had done was essentially an overdose and immediately got so paranoid.

Went to the ER/A&E and had my bloods took after about 3 and half hours since my last dose (I thought they were supposed to wait 4). I took them in the following increments. Give or take 10mins.

6AM, 11 AM, 5PM, 9PM, 2AM. 4 hours or more between every dose, but 5000mg in under 24 hours…

They discharged me and told me the levels of the drug in my blood were okay, and I needed no anicdote treatment. However, I’m just so paranoid now as everything I’m reading online is constant “omg it will kill you over weeks, it will be slow and tragic death” some real doomsday stuff. Like should I go back, or am I wasting there time? I feel nausiated now too, no doubt the anxiety…

So many varying things from articles that I can’t even trust our NHS.

27-03-22, 16:43
I think you're feeling nauseous because of the anxiety you are feeling.

Personally if it was me I would tell myself that if A&E were in any way concerned they wouldn't have let me leave. They checked your blood, it was fine. Trust them.

Also, stop googling. It's very easy to search for something and a worst case scenario to appear.

27-03-22, 17:09
I was finally getting over my GAD, I felt good about stuff again, and now this :( I really don’t want to go back and waste there time, but I really dont know to die in like a months time from this mistake… people say that’s how it goes and tiny amounts will do it.

27-03-22, 18:21
Trouble is, there's far too many know-it-alls online, many of whom probably have some kind of anti-medication agenda and actually know virtually naff all!

We've already seen it with the antivaxxers, even long before the Covid pandemic.

27-03-22, 19:43
You've only gone over by one extra dose within 24 hours, and it was 4 hours after your last one. If they were even remotely concerned at A&E they would keep you in, as they are really careful with this kind of thing. Your blood levels were ok, which means there wasn't an accumulation of the drug in your system. The toxic accumulation of it is what causes liver damage or failure. Your bloods don't have any elevated levels, and it would have shown after the 21 hours of dosing.

The people who say small amounts can do it are right, but only in the sense that small staggered overdoses can cause dire consequences. So, somebody taking maybe a few extra doses in a 24h timeframe for a few days are the ones who are at risk. You only took one extra dose in a 24 hour time period with 4+ hours between each dose (plenty of time for your liver to process each one), and your bloods were fine.

The best thing you do (and this isn't me saying any damage has happened) is to stop taking paracetamol for a few days, give your system a break, and try your best to relax.

27-03-22, 20:12
You've only gone over by one extra dose within 24 hours, and it was 4 hours after your last one. If they were even remotely concerned at A&E they would keep you in, as they are really careful with this kind of thing. Your blood levels were ok, which means there wasn't an accumulation of the drug in your system. The toxic accumulation of it is what causes liver damage or failure. Your bloods don't have any elevated levels, and it would have shown after the 21 hours of dosing.

The people who say small amounts can do it are right, but only in the sense that small staggered overdoses can cause dire consequences. So, somebody taking maybe a few extra doses in a 24h timeframe for a few days are the ones who are at risk. You only took one extra dose in a 24 hour time period with 4+ hours between each dose (plenty of time for your liver to process each one), and your bloods were fine.

The best thing you do (and this isn't me saying any damage has happened) is to stop taking paracetamol for a few days, give your system a break, and try your best to relax.

You're probably right that just one extra dose just once only as a one-off probably won't do any significant harm, otherwise (like you said) those in A & E would have no doubt been ringing alarm bells if there was believed to be any significant risk.

31-03-22, 22:21
Thanks for all the encouraging replies, it does mean a lot.

I think I’m going to go to my GP as I think it has done something. My right rib cage looks and feels swollen. This has got me in a massive panic that I walked right out of work and don’t think I can go back.

I can’t believe how stupid I am.

31-03-22, 23:28
'Told Ya So Gang' on standby ;) As others have said, a little extra is not going to cause you any harm. Been there, done that many times (and on purpose mind you!) Let us know what the doctor says :)