View Full Version : Mouth concerns

30-03-22, 13:18
For the past 2.5 weeks, one area of my mouth has been red and peeling - inside the cheek, but low down, and on the gums. Every other day or so, the skin in the area peels off, leaving a bright red patch. This seems to heal over again and the process happens again. Today I called the dentist, who told me to call the doctor. I called the doctor and they asked me to send a photo and they'd be in touch, so now I am playing the waiting game. Of course, I did the unthinkable and googled - actually, I was just expecting a response like thrush, or something equally benign, but I was looking for ways to treat it at home (salt rinse or whatever) until I can see someone - but that is not what came up. What came up was precancerous and scary. Well, I have never smoked, only drink a glass of wine or two once or twice a week, and have never tested positive for HPV (although, admittedly I have never been tested orally), so this was not what I expected. Quite honestly, I am a little freaked out. I am almost 45, and I guess just the increased cancerous risk associated with aging doesn't help my pre-existing anxiety. Anyway, I just needed somewhere to lay this all out, because I think it better to put it somewhere people will understand my fears, than sit alone dwelling on it while I wait to talk tot he doctor.
Thanks for listening.

01-04-22, 09:40
Saw dr today. She is concerned about the patch in my mouth and has referred me for blood tests (next available appointment in my surgery is 28 days away!) and she is referring me to the maxilla-facial hospital for further investigation.

01-04-22, 09:44
Sending positive vibes and wishing you all the luck in the world. Please keep us posted?

01-04-22, 19:25
Yes, wishing you well. It’s always difficult when you’re waiting for tests.