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13-02-05, 11:09
Hi Guys

I found this website a few days ago, Ive been in the chat room and spoken to a few of you, I just wanted to tell you (and thank you) you have all helped me so much in the last few days!!! This is my first post and after speaking to a few of you I thought it was about time to ‘introduce myself’.

I first suffered from Anxiety/PA’s when I was 16 which I think was caused by the worry of leaving school, (which college course to choose, what job I wanted to do etc etc….) Luckily once I had left school my PA’s went and I never thought about it again.

I lived life to the max, (did stuff that I loved doing but which is impossible nowadays) I had fantastic holidays abroad, went shopping to loads of different shopping centres and clubbing to different clubs around the UK, had great boyfriends, basically I had a fab life …….that was until about 2 years ago….

I got myself into a very bad relationship, the guy was very possessive and I felt very claustrophobic and was unable to do anything without asking him first, I remember I went to Tesco’s once and he called me 20 times on my mobile because he didn’t know where I was and he was convinced I was cheating on him!! He put so much pressure on me! …

Anyway I was in the relationship about a year before I finally felt strong enough to leave, it took a lot of courage to leave that day, he had really brought me down and slowly without me realising it had taken away every bit of confidence I had ever had!.
I had really hit rock bottom, I felt like I had no life, I was feeling sick all the time, panicky when I had to go out (even to the local shop/pub), worrying I was going to faint, be sick, and that horrible feeling of not really being there and as though the stuff around me is not really happening. My mum didn’t know what was going on with me as I kept saying to her that I wanted to kill myself (seemed like the best way out - I thought I was mad!) It amazes me to look back over the last two years of how I have changed as a person and how this guy brought me down so much! I think anxiety was always there, but he triggered it off again.

Anyway I am pleased to say I finally got myself together after a year of every weekend sitting in my room depressed and worrying about my not to be future. The first time I went to the shopping centre was hell, I only stayed an hour then came home - but I had done it - I had taken the first step to recovery and I was still alive - much to my brain telling me I wasn’t going to live through it!

I also got a dreaded letter delivered to my in-tray at work inviting me to a course, which my manager said would be excellent for a few of us to go on, luckily the course wasn’t too far away but it meant going on ‘THE MOTORWAY‘…. A big, big problem for me as there is ‘no escape’ anyway I thought this illness is not going to ruin my career so I went - I cannot describe to you how I felt that day (guess I don’t need to really), it was bad…. I am lucky that I can hide my anxiety really well and no one would have guessed that I was sitting there feeling so ill, (needless to say I learnt nothing on the course - but I did learn that I am still the strong person I used to be 2 years ago - I had faced the motorway and had been more than 30 minutes from my ‘safe place’ home!).

I know that I am not completely recovered as every time I do go out I get the horrible feelings, but I try to ignore them (easier said than done) and most weekends I manage to get out to the local shopping centre (as long as I have my car with me and car keys safely zipped up in my pocket), I still have problems going further than half an hour from my house though so I am really limited with the stuff I can do.

I hadn’t told any of my friends about how I feel, but after speaking to you guys I got the courage to tell my friend yesterday about all my symptoms and to my amazement she said she gets it a bit too! Not as bad as I get it though, it doesn’t stop her doing things like it does me. She guessed there was something wrong with me as I only wanted to go

13-02-05, 12:04
Hi ~S~
We've spoken a couple of times in chat and i'm like you found this site so helpful in just a few days its great and the people are amazing. Welcome anyway and i'm sure with the help of everyone here you'll soon feel lots better.
Hope to chat again soon
Take care

13-02-05, 12:40
Hi S ,

Thanks for much for sharing your story. Can Nic use it for a
'personal story' to add to the ones on the home pages.

Glad you've found so much benefit here- its always great to hear that it helps people so much.

Keep doing what you're doing and never say anything is impossible due to anxiety - by next month you may have done it !

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

13-02-05, 12:46
Hi ~S~

Welcome aboard - it was nice to talk to you in the chat room the other evening..

I think anxiety is pretty common amongst a lot of the modern population, of course there are degrees of severity and acknowledgement but it wouldn't suprise me to find it's much more widespread than we might assume..

This is a great forum, like you say, it was an epiphany to find this place and it's really, really helped me out.. the knowledge that you are not alone really makes a positive difference and also the realisation what you have and what's causing you to feel the way you do is a massive step forward.. When I first came here I thought my own feelings were unique, thankfully now, I realise they're not..

Everyone here is so supportive and knowledgeable about the condition, it's a wonderful place. I know it will help you out as much as it's helped me.

Like you I get terrified when driving, if I have to go anywhere that's more than about 20-30 miles, I go by train instead! :) Well done for facing your fear and beating it. By a strange coincidence I was at a course for the first 3 days of last week, I had a minor PA during one day but managed to hide it too.. I think we get practiced at that..

Great to see you here, keep posting, stay involved and hope to see you in the chat room too. Exactly as you say, we're all in this together and we help and support each other as much as we can. You've got a great attitude and I would say that you're already on the road to recovery.

Good luck and good health


13-02-05, 13:23
Good to hear from you S,

I think we met in the chatroom last night where it was my first time.

I'm sure that now you have found us, you'll find plenty of great people, plenty of great advice, and that can only be good news for your recovery.

You seem to have a positive attitude, and now that you have realised that you are far from being alone, your mind will grow stronger.

Take Care


13-02-05, 14:00
Hi S

Great post! You sound like you have a good positive attitude towards this, which is what will help you get through it.

We've already spoken in chat, but welcome.


13-02-05, 14:28
Hi ~S~,

Far from being alone, I think there are more people who suffer from anxiety, depression, loss of confidence than we think.

Your already doing the right things, gradually venturing out and facing your fear. Eventually it will get easier and easier, and you will again have the life you deserve.
Good luck. :)


Take little steps

13-02-05, 14:37
hi S,

Just wanted to welcome you to the site!!

Sarah :D

13-02-05, 15:44
Hi S

I am pleased you decided to post on the forum. It was lovely to meet you in the chat room last night and I am sure we will catch up again in there later.

The motorway driving I can relate to as my problem is still driving issues but I am slowly working through them.

The way I look at a motorway is that as long as it has a hard shoulder I feel safe but when that is taken away I get a bit freaked. You are probably safer on the motorway than back roads because there are more people about and if you really do have to pull on to the hard shoulder you can guarantee that the police will soon be there to see if you are ok.

I know they don't like people stopping on hard shoulders but if you explained that you were panicky and just needed 10 minutes to calm down I am sure they would be more sympathetic. Also there are usually junctions every 10 - 20 miles so you can reassure yourself that you are not far away from being able to get off.

I was on a course in Wales last week and 9 of us were shut in this tiny room and it was so hot. I just kept some water close by and told myself that if I really needed to I could just get up and leave - pretend to need the loo or something. No-one would think bad of you for doing that even though I know that you feel embarrassed about doing it.

With regard to getting further than 30 mins from home then you do this in stages. You go 35 minutes then stay for a while and then the next time you go 40 minutes etc. I am sure you get the idea. It will come with time - just push your boundaries a little further each day.

Good luck and hope to help you all we can.


13-02-05, 16:51
Hi S

Welcome to the forum. Well done for all the progress you have made so far and I'm sure your positive attitude will enable you to continue with your recovery.

You'll find some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-02-05, 17:17
hi and welcome we spoke in chat last night hope to see you there again soon

fan x

13-02-05, 18:28
Thanx for all your nice replies. Your words mean so much to me.

Like I said in my first post, im feeling so positive since Ive found this site and realised Im not actually going mad and that many others suffer from the same thing/symptoms as me.
I managed to get over PA's once, I know that I didnt suffer them as bad and didnt have the agro before but maybe, just maybe there could be a chance, that I might one day be able to step out the door without a horrible feeling following me! I know its going to be hard (maybe the hardest thing I have ever done in my life so far!) to face the next step of going further than 30 mins away, but I really hope I will manage to do it.. I will give it a good try anyway.... [^]

TC, ~Sarah ~

13-02-05, 18:48

We will be here to support you or push you along - it is up to you to do the hard work but it is nice to have people backing you up and motivating you.

It is you that lives close to me isn't it?


13-02-05, 18:52
Hi Nicola,

Yes that is me, we were chatting last night.. good memory...:)

~sarah~ xxx

13-02-05, 19:15

I knew that Tracy lived near me and thought it was you too.

The only reason I say it is that maybe when you feel a bit more confident with me I could come over to see you and maybe help you do that journey of more than 30 minutes.

No rush but the offer is there if you want me to.


13-02-05, 19:18
Hi Sarah

Just want to say welcome to the site.



13-02-05, 19:31
Ahhh thanx Nicola, thats so nice of you!! I have an appointment with my councellor next week and I know she is going to push me onto the next step, (over 30 minutes away from my house) which scares me!

I think I have now come to terms with being away from the house 30 minutes drive away, but its the thought of being so far away from my 'safe place' that really freaks me out! I really have to get over this fear cos there are so many nice places I want to visit, the thought of seeing the same roads/places for the next 60 years scares me a lot!

Thanx so much for your support I appreciate it sooo much and would defo like to take you up on your offer, just need to get that confidence to do it now... (the hardest bit...[xx(] )

~ Sarah ~ xxx

13-02-05, 20:01

You will get there in time. It just takes a lot of hard work and patience but I am sure you will do it soon ok?

I can be there with you one day if you want and we can just see how far we can go and as a fellow panicker I will know how you feel so will be able to calm you down.

Take care ok.


13-02-05, 20:41
Hi sarah,
I met you the other night in chat and just wanted to give you an offical hello.:D

Welcome to the site.
Take care