View Full Version : Terry's nails

31-03-22, 13:31
Terry's nails. went to the family doctor, she confirmed it's indeed Terry's nails, but other than the usual bloodwork didn't suggest anything. Said it can't be heart related since I'm young.

My bloodwork is fine, but it's been like that for months, so what can that be?
What can I check?

I'm female, 33 years old no special health conditions.

For months now I've been fatigued, bad vision and lately noticed Terry's nails.

It's my heart isn't it?

14-04-22, 22:30
I'm 51 now. I first read about terry's nails when I was your age. I freaked because I had what looked like terry's nails. I've been freaked out about it ever since. I'm freaked out about it today. I had normal labs until recently. the last two years my liver labs have been a little elevated. like close to high end for a male but i'm female. diagnosed as fatty liver but not biopsy or imaging. I had heart works ups a few years ago all was normal. my kidneys have never shown abnormality in labs.

I am a vegetarian and I have a crap diet. either I have significant cirrosis and for some reason it's showing up as mild very mild labs (Which I dunno, seems unlikely? but I'm not a doc. my doc doesn't seem to think it's more than fatty liver and I should lose weight) or it's something maybe diet based. I highly doubt I'm getting proper nutrients. I guess PVD can cause it which is a possibility. stress can cause functional pvd which cases restricted bloodflow in extremities.

it could also just be normal for some people. I'm not entirely sure my nails haven't always been this way. I remember digging at my finger nails when I was younger (like early teens) tyring to get the dirt out but there was no dirt.



15-04-22, 01:29
Doubt it!