View Full Version : Lower back pain. Does this sound muscular?

02-04-22, 11:22
So I noticed since Monday I’ve had a low back pain that feels jolting like stabbing pains. It makes it difficult to stand up straight. It got worse when I’d move and when I’d stand up it would be at its worse. As soon as I stand up. An overall ache in the lower right back and groin in the front area. I put a pillow at the bottom of the chair where my lower back would be and it has made symptoms less. Though sometimes I’d still feel that intense jolting pain when I’d stand up. Though I noticed I can stand up slightly better. But does this sound muscular? Of course I googled and I heard about aortic aneurysms. But I’m 23. Is that rare in someone my age? How long does muscular pain take to go away? Any advice and reassurance is helpful please. Thank you. 💙💙

02-04-22, 12:03
Honestly that sounds a whole lot like my pain when I had a kidney stone.

02-04-22, 12:19
I don’t think mine is kidney stones because it doesn’t hurt to urinate and my back doesn’t get more painful when I urinate. It’s literally only when I move a certain way. I know it’s different for everyone. But kidney stones pain doesn’t get worse with movement. It tends to only get painful when the stone moves.

02-04-22, 18:59
My pain only came when moving. Couldn’t stand straight. Nothing helped except laying on heating pad. But yep, everyone does react differently. Have you tried icing or heat on the area? If it’s muscular that should help as well.

02-04-22, 19:17
For me. If I’m laying down on my side or back etc there’s no pain. It’s really only when I move a certain way. I don’t need a heat pad to relieve symptoms. The pain is only there if im sitting and then standing up. Or moving a certain way. The pain I felt is the exact same I’ve felt before when having a muscle issue. But for some reason my mind always assumes the worst. And I don’t mean a kidney stone. I mean and aneurysm.

02-04-22, 23:20
Honestly, yeah, it sounds muscular, especially if certain positions and heat alleviate the pain. There's no real time frame until it resolves but generally a week or two. Just continue with the heating pad, OTC rubs and ibuprofen and I'm sure you'll be fine.


03-04-22, 08:27
What FMP said to be honest, though I personally try to steer clear of Ibuprofen as it buggers up my guts..

I have a lot of muscular issues and my doctor basically said that muscular issues generally alleviate with positional change and respond well to heat treatment etc.

I sometimes get stabbing pains right at the very bottom of my back and for me it's to do with the sciatic nerve. Sometimes the pains are sharp enough to make my legs buckle. I had an episode of this a few months ago but doing Pilates has helped me a lot there..