View Full Version : Does anyone know how dizziness is an anxiety symptom?

03-04-22, 15:48
Hi there,

Im just wondering why is dizziness sometimes an anxiety symptom without having a panic attack.

I’ve read on here about so many people feeling dizzy, or like they are walking on a cloud. I’ve also experienced this quite a few times. It makes me wonder what is truly going on inside that makes us feel this way even without being extremely anxious in the moment?

Last night I had some sinus issues, I think I was actually slightly dizzy which sometimes happens to me With my chronic allergies. But I kept thinking the worst and for about an hour the dizziness was terrible. Once I finally relaxed and stopped focusing on it, the dizziness went away almost completely.

How is this possible?? Really makes me wonder! Lol.

03-04-22, 20:53
Does anyone know how dizziness is an anxiety symptom? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Dizziness_or_light-headedness)


03-04-22, 21:12
Does anyone know how dizziness is an anxiety symptom? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Dizziness_or_light-headedness)


This was helpful! Thank you!