View Full Version : Weird swollen area on arm...so scared right now. :(

04-04-22, 04:15
I randomly noticed that in my right arm there's a slight bump by the inside of my elbow. I tend to lean on this elbow while in bed. It's really scaring me that it's a blood clot or something. The bump isn't hard, it feels soft and a little tender to the touch but not very painful. I'm so so scared.

I don't know what to do, I'm terrified. My parents think it's cause I've been lazy in bed today leaning on it...

<admin removal of picture>

04-04-22, 16:22
Anyone? Really trying not to freak out. :(

04-04-22, 17:31
Since my photo got removed, the swelling is in my inner forearm mostly. It begins right at the inner elbow crease and goes about two-3 inches towards my hand. That whole area is a bit swollen. Could it be tendons or related to my elbow?

04-04-22, 20:08
We aren’t medically trained, but yes it could be tendons. Try not to play with it too much & if it’s still there in 2 weeks or gets worse & you’re bothered about it then see your doctor.

05-04-22, 21:37
Omg this was me 2 years ago! I found a lump on inner elbow I was adamant it was cancer I went to the dr loads and they finally referd me for a scan it turned out to be a lipoma fatty tissue. I googled this so many times and it scared me so much

05-04-22, 21:40
Honestly if tour worries ask for a scan to put mind at rest one is about 2 inches big on the inside on the inner elbow, the more I prodded it the more it hurt mine is quite soft but hard aswel and is moveable

05-04-22, 23:22
Honestly if tour worries ask for a scan to put mind at rest one is about 2 inches big on the inside on the inner elbow, the more I prodded it the more it hurt mine is quite soft but hard aswel and is moveable

I know what you mean! Will be a peace of mind.

Did yours cause pain? Mine feels tender, the pain sometimes goes into my hand and other times goes to my shoulder. The swelling hasn’t gotten worse but my parents say it looks a little better, although it’s still there. Wondering if it’s a nerve

06-04-22, 21:16
Yes i get pins n needles in my pinky finger all the time on my left arm and also I get achy left arm I've put it down to it leaning on nerves. Honestly I still worry about mine but I've had it scanned and about 4 dr have felt it and they all said lipoma. My doesnt hurt only if I prod it too much

07-04-22, 20:38
Yes i get pins n needles in my pinky finger all the time on my left arm and also I get achy left arm I've put it down to it leaning on nerves. Honestly I still worry about mine but I've had it scanned and about 4 dr have felt it and they all said lipoma. My doesnt hurt only if I prod it too much

Im glad you got it checked out. Seems like it’s lipoma. Mine is like a squishy area, it’s sore because I think I keep touching it.

I’m feel so anxious today. It’s day 4 and the swelling hasn’t gotten worse, but still scares me. I get a pain in my elbow as well, feels like when you hit your funny bone. Just don’t know if it’s anxiey or what. Last night I took an Advil and the pain went down. It’s not a lot of pain, just annoying.

08-04-22, 22:49
I spoke with my family doctor (virtually) today!
Im going to get an ultrasound done very soon. But she said it sounds like soft tissue swelling from over use. Or possibly cubital tunnel syndrome. I told her I’m worried about a blood clot but she told me if it were that my whole arm would be inflamed, and it would be warm to the touch.

Feeling slightly better anxiety wise, but the pain is still there. So trying not to still think the worst…but it’s difficult. :(

10-04-22, 18:09
I have my ultrasound today and I’m so nervous. My arm is still sore and the small area is still swollen. However, the swelling isn’t worse or anything. It’s not warm to the touch and no redness. I’m still anxious that it’s a blood clot.

Is it possible that anxiety could worsen the pain?

10-04-22, 19:59
Is it possible that anxiety could worsen the pain?

Yes! It heightens your senses. It can also make you feel pain where you previously had none. It's all in the head, where coincidentally, also the sensation of pain is coming from :)

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10-04-22, 23:11
Yes! It heightens your senses. It can also make you feel pain where you previously had none. It's all in the head, where coincidentally, also the sensation of pain is coming from :)

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

Thank you for your message!
That’s so crazy!! Well I came back and the technician told me there’s no blood clot, thank god! But he does see my muscle inflamed so he says it’s a pulled muscle in my forearm causing the swelling. Will continue putting ice and resting. :)
My doctor will call me tomorrow or sometime this week. Just thankful it’s not what I was fearing!!

11-04-22, 05:06
Please talk to your doctor about your HA. Otherwise I'm afraid that your anxious brain will soon latch onto another minor body signal and start to convince you that it's a problem.

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11-04-22, 16:17
Please talk to your doctor about your HA. Otherwise I'm afraid that your anxious brain will soon latch onto another minor body signal and start to convince you that it's a problem.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

You’re right. Last night was terrible. I started to get heart worries and for the first time I got a sinking feeling in my chest which I read is common for anxiety. But I’m scared because I never had any heart tests done before.