View Full Version : Possible gum abscess (unsure)

07-04-22, 18:32

I am not sure if I have an abscess in my gum or cheek part near the back of my mouth, it seems to be like where a tooth used to be that never grew back, I have had it for weeks and weeks and not painful unless poking and prodding at. Is this dangerous? I also thought I saw a red spot on the roof of my mouth dont know if this is dangerous.
For some reason I always get anxious regarding oral health.


09-04-22, 01:35
Can't tell without a dentist looking at it, but as a general rule: if you have an abscess, there's almost always some sort of sign... Bright red swelling, visible pus, or shocking pain (if the tooth still has a nerve)

I take it oral health is your trigger? ...I know someone who has had severe dental problems for life and is now elderly. When I say severe, I mean: This person had every single one of their baby teeth rot and fall out. Then they had too many adult teeth come in and had to have half a dozen pulled. Some of their molars came in 90 degrees sideways. Their wisdom teeth had to be taken out 1 by one using a literal chisel (their description of little bits of tooth flying around the room was not very nice.) They've had every single tooth based infection you could think of, implants that have worked, implants that haven't worked, and even an implant that busted through their bone and fell into their sinus, where it just hung out and rattled around for two months (no joke. They could feel it move when they blew their nose.) They've had good dentists and surgeons, and bad dentists and surgeons. And guess what?

They're not dead yet! In fact, they still have some of their own teeth!

So really, truly, if you're concerned, see a dentist. Any dentist. But really, don't worry about it. Won't help.

09-04-22, 10:29
Can't tell without a dentist looking at it, but as a general rule: if you have an abscess, there's almost always some sort of sign... Bright red swelling, visible pus, or shocking pain (if the tooth still has a nerve)

I take it oral health is your trigger? ...I know someone who has had severe dental problems for life and is now elderly. When I say severe, I mean: This person had every single one of their baby teeth rot and fall out. Then they had too many adult teeth come in and had to have half a dozen pulled. Some of their molars came in 90 degrees sideways. Their wisdom teeth had to be taken out 1 by one using a literal chisel (their description of little bits of tooth flying around the room was not very nice.) They've had every single tooth based infection you could think of, implants that have worked, implants that haven't worked, and even an implant that busted through their bone and fell into their sinus, where it just hung out and rattled around for two months (no joke. They could feel it move when they blew their nose.) They've had good dentists and surgeons, and bad dentists and surgeons. And guess what?

They're not dead yet! In fact, they still have some of their own teeth!

So really, truly, if you're concerned, see a dentist. Any dentist. But really, don't worry about it. Won't help.

Thanks, I looked in my own mouth with a torch in a mirror and I couldn't seem to see anything, I have had this for a few months like

09-04-22, 16:36
I think if you had an abscess you would know about it. I had one and was a dribbling mess with the pain.

Do you have a dentist? Go make an appointment and all your problems will get sorted with a quick peek inside.

09-04-22, 20:12
I think if you had an abscess you would know about it. I had one and was a dribbling mess with the pain.

Do you have a dentist? Go make an appointment and all your problems will get sorted with a quick peek inside.

No pain at all unless I poke and prod at it- seems to be a bit of skin that connects the gum to the cheek

09-04-22, 23:29
No pain at all unless I poke and prod at it- seems to be a bit of skin that connects the gum to the cheek

TBH Matt, this post just follows the same pattern as your posts over the years. Stop the self-examination and poking and prodding and all will be well ;)