View Full Version : Lumo next to vagina

10-04-22, 09:55
Hi. I'm really freaking out but yesterday I felt a bit sore down below and I looked there was bit of psoriasis just by vagina in the leg crease and it looked a bit sore so I put some cream on a noticed there was a lump there under the skin. I'm freaking out now. Anyone else had this? Could it be cancer?
Please reply. Xxxxxxxxxxx

10-04-22, 12:05
Most likely to be either a boil, cyst or a lymph node in response to the psoriasis.
I’m sure it’ll be gone in a few weeks.

10-04-22, 12:34
Its really sore when I touch it. Is that normal with a cyst or boil?

Thanks xxxxxxxxxxx

10-04-22, 13:23
Yes normal. Leave it alone and let it heal

10-04-22, 13:50
I've just googled which I know is really stupid. I'm now convinced its lymphoma which its says can present as a swollen lymph node in the groin. I'm freaking out again now.

Louise. Xx

10-04-22, 17:06
I've had numerous bumps and lumps down there. All have been totally fine.

Definitely do not google, definitely do not poke it, squeeze it - it make it even more sore.

If you're really concerned ask your GP to take a look at it, but in all honesty it'll probably be a boil, spot or cyst.

10-04-22, 17:31
Yes, Cysts and boils would be sore to touch. I’ve had a few, usually caused by an infection getting into the skin after shaving. Or sometimes just hormones cause them.
Put heat on it, (hot water bottle or hot bath) take ibuprofen (for anti inflammatory benefits), and avoid underwear that might rub and irritate it. Mine usually take a few weeks to heal.

If it is a lymph node it wouldn’t be painful. And even if it were a lymph node, it’d be far more likely to be swollen due to your psoriasis than due to lymphoma.

Honestly, this is quite a common problem for us women. Ya’ll be a’reet!

12-04-22, 07:51
Hi everyone. I still have the lump. Its been there for 3 days now. How long can harmless lumps last? I've convinced myself it's lymphoma and I'm freaking out. I'm 35 years old and have a son that needs me. I'm really scared. Xxxxxxxxxx

12-04-22, 12:42
What help are you getting for the HA louise as you post a lot of dramatic things and assume you are dying.

As we said leave it alone and stop prodding it.

12-04-22, 16:50
Not getting any help for HA, I have in the past but nothing seems to work. I cant stop prodding it. Lumps are always my worst fear and straight away just associate them with cancer. I have never had a lump like this though under the skin. I've had a lot of bumps on the skin but nothing like this. I had a smear test in Jan so pretty sure I didn't have it then as they probably would have noticed. As I have quite bad psoriasis down there I am scratching a lot so pretty sure its only been there a few days but just wondered if maybe scratching could cause an infection and cause the lump? or I started my period last wed and went to the gym and felt like the pad was rubbing a bit and I keep think maybe thats potentially caused it? It's just all I can think about. I'm off work over easter hols and just want to enjoy the time with my son but all I can think about is this lump and the constant prodding probably isn't helping it.

Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

12-04-22, 18:22
Well something will work - what have you tried?

Leave it alone and it may heal. The more you poke and prod the worse it will be.

It doesn't have to be anything sinister.

Just get on with living and stop poking it.

13-04-22, 12:20
I have tried counselling in the past and can be ok for a bit and then it can hit again. Last night and this morning I decided to try not to think about it and because it looked quite red put it down to some iritation or a cyst. However now its just hit me again and I'm in panic mode, can't stop looking and checking. Driving myself insane thinking its not painful now so must be cancer or keep thinking my leg looks swollen but not sure if I'm imagining it. Just when I think of lump I just think of cancer.

Thanks. Louise.

13-04-22, 12:52
Well go and see a doctor then cos we can't tell you what it is or reassure you.

14-04-22, 21:06
Hi again. The lump in groin in small so tried to keep telling myself that. I've just had a bath and I'm in a right state again. I just had another look and small lump is still there but it now looks like my inner thigh is very slightly swollen. I'm so scared. I cant stop crying, I feel sick about it. This has to be cancer as nothing else it can be. Has anyone had a groin lump with swollen thigh before and it not been serious? I'm terrified to go to the doctors as I know its gonna be serious. Please help?

Please reply
Louise xxxxxxxxx

15-04-22, 11:34
It isn't cancer but clearly you don't want to hear about anything else that it could be so I wish you well but I am out of this thread now.

15-04-22, 22:58
Hi. I'm really sorry. Its just my anxiety is so bad right now and its like one small thing has now spiralled out of control.

Thanks. Louise.

16-04-22, 11:52
Hi there. I noticed a small lump in my groin a week ago and it was sore and really red and as I have psoriasis down there I thought it was a skin irritation. However now the soreness and redness are gone but I still have a painless lump which is linked to cancer. I also have a slightly swollen inner thigh which isn't red or stiff but looks and feels slightly different to other one. I'm also experiencing back, pelvic and leg pain. I'm really worried it could be lymphoma, pelvic cancer or ovarian cancer. Anyone had similar symptoms before? I only had a smear test in Jan. I'm 35 years old, I'm overweight so really worried. Anyone experienced this and been ok? Lumps just terrify me. I'm so scared and can't stop googling and crying.

Please reply

16-04-22, 12:06
Why have you started a new post????

16-04-22, 12:07

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

16-04-22, 12:15
Just thought it could relate to men and women and would be better on the health anxiety board. Sorry just really scared and struggling. My symptoms all seem to relate to different cancers so my head a mess. Gonna try make a doctors appt on Tues after the Bank hol but I'm absolutely petrified. If anyone can relate? Be good to talk. Thanks. Louise. Xxxx

17-04-22, 22:45
It’s not cancer. It’s a boil. Heat, honey or turmeric will help to either bring it to a head or help it to re absorb. Some people swear by rubbing Vicks vapour rub on them, but I’m not sure I’d advise that if it’s too close to the genitals.
I get these from time to time too, I have one now. Usually caused by bacteria getting under the skin after shaving…in your case, it’s likely your psoriasis provided an open wound for the bacteria to get in and cause a boil.
And mine isn’t painful. Sometimes they can be, but not always. So stop thinking that it must be cancer just because it’s not painful!
Mine can often last 4 weeks or so, but after they reach a peak I can feel them shrinking, and that’s all the reassurance I need. But if you’re poking it constantly, it’ll get inflammed which will make you think it’s growing! You need to let it heal.
Even go commando or wear boy shirts so your knicker line isn’t rubbing against it.
Wash using Hibiscrub if you can get some (they use it in hospitals to treat MRSA but you can buy it in Boots, Amazon etc too) avoid perfumed soap til it heals.

18-04-22, 00:12
Thanks. Really appreciate the reassurance. Yea thought it was probably bacteria as I get quite itchy down coz the psoriasis and I know I need to stop poking it which ain't helping. I am not to bad in the day as can distract myself but it gets to night time and I'm a nervous wreck again. Can you get a swollen thigh with a boil?

Thanks. Louise xxxx

18-04-22, 01:48
C'mon Louis, You'll be fine. If you're that concerned, book an appointment with your doctor. In the mean time, perhaps book an appointment to discuss your anxiety and how to treat it,


18-04-22, 13:25
I'm going to book a doctors tomorrow and will tell them about about the anxiety as I'm really struggling. I keep thinking the lump has gone coz cant find it for a second but then I find it again 😞. I'm more concerned with the swollen are in my inner thigh/groin area? It ain't going down. Love Louise xxxx

18-04-22, 19:21
Hi again. It seems like the lump might have got a bit smaller so hopefully it might be healing. My concern is I still have a slightly swollen groin/thigh, it basically is just by where I found the small lump and its like a little bulge but not hard or like a lump. It just looks different from other side and I'm overweight so have quite big thighs anyway but when I'm walking I can feel them rubbing together. Anyone had anything like this before? I thought it might be from the constant poking and prodding it endured but my anxious brain is telling me thats impossible. Love Louise. Xxxx

19-04-22, 08:16
Hi everyone. The lump seems to have gone. I cant help but think am I missing it, is it there somewhere but think thats rediculous. I've decided I'm going to make a doctors appointment about my anxiety and hopefully try and address as this week or so has been horrendous and if I don't do something now then it will just be something else soon. My anxiety had been bad for a while and then finding this lump it just set me into a complete spiral. Anxiety is the issue here, I feel really sick which think is from being so anxious. This was supposed to be my 2 week break from work and its been ruined by obsessive worrying and anxiety. Xxxx

26-04-22, 16:52
Hi there. I posted last week about a small lump I found in my groin which I completely freaked out about but after about a week and a half it went down. I noticed at the time my inner thigh at the top just below groin looked swollen which freaked me out but could be to do with poking it and the lump but its still like it. It doesn't feel hard or anything. Feels normal but just looks different to other one. Anyone else have this? Is it normal for one thigh to look different from other?

Please reply xxxxxxxxxx

26-04-22, 17:44
It could just be normal for you. Our bodies aren't completely symmetrical, one foot can be bigger than the other, one boob bigger than the other. I've not got the skinniest legs, but one of my calves is definitely bigger than the other - I can tell when I wear knee/calf length boots.

I think because you were acutely aware and focused on that area of the body because of the lump that you are hyper focused on it now and your anxiety is having a field day.

Try not to keep checking it, looking at it, feeling it or poking it and definitely don't google anything.

Try and keep your mind occupied with other things that give you pleasure.

29-04-22, 17:34
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07-05-22, 15:29
Hi there. I'm really freaking out i have sarcoma. A few weeks ago I noticed one thigh seems bigger and slightly raised than the other, I'm overweight and my thighs are quite big and at the time of noticing it I had a small groin lump which went after a week or so. I just don't get whats going on? My thighs rub together when walking like one inner thigh is hanging lower. I'm obsessed with it. Can't stand having a bath coz I'm so worried. Can't feel a lump or anything. Feel like I'm going crazy. If I put pressure on it it starts to hurt a bit but not like really painful. I'm so scared its sarcoma. Anyone had anything like this? Its really bizarre. I'm scared.

Please reply
Love Louise xxxxxxxxxx

07-05-22, 22:12
Hi Louise, I'm right where you were a few weeks ago with the weirdo lump. Of course, I'm googling and searching....and freaking out. Your post gives me hope that mine will go away as yours did. Just letting you know you're not alone. Clearly, I need help dealing with HA. Anyhow, just letting your know that your posts helped another in the same situation.

08-05-22, 09:26

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

08-05-22, 10:21
Yea its horrible. Lumps really freaking me out but it went after a week and a half of worrying about it. I'm just worried about my thigh, I don't get how it can just become fattier like this? Coz that what it feels has happened. Whenever I'm sat on it I feel like there's a tumour there I'm sat on. Anyone got any reassurance/advice? I didn't even know you could get cancer there but apparently you can get soft tissue sarcoma. Please reply. Xxxxxxxxxx

08-05-22, 11:53
Well, you and I are worry twins because just last week I was worried about an upper arm that is fatter than the other. For real. My mom put me at ease. No one is symmetrical. She reminded me that I have one foot bigger than the other, one boob bigger than the other, one eyebrow bushier than the other ...and one arm longer than the other. As for my arm...it's visibly longer. Like if I stood in front of you and held my arms down and said "look at it." you'd say..."wow...you do have one long monkey arm." It's weird actually. My mom has one arm fatter than the other...by a lot. She reminded me that's why when they measure you at the gym to track weight loss etc... they measure each thigh and each arm because they ALWAYS measure differently on EVERYONE. I hope I've help. You helped me...I hope my groin thing goes away. Meanwhile, I hope I've helped you. Hold onto my mom's very wise words. She's right.