View Full Version : Bladder cancer concerns

10-04-22, 16:02
Hey guys. I have not been on here in quite awhile. Actually I thought I had put my anxiety for the most part behind me. But the past month or so I have gradually noticed it again. Thoughts like “Am I going blind because my vision gets worse every year? Was that mole there before? What could this rash mean?”

I feel it coming back over a lot of things. And as I have always said in the past, this new worry seems like it’s the only explanation. So I am 22 years old now, I had a full health checkup last year with blood tests ( I was convinced I had cushing’s disease ) and the doctor told me that I did not. To be honest that worry still creeps up but I push it back down. So overall my test results were okay, besides needing to lose a bit of weight.

So this is really embarrassing. But for quite awhile now I have had an issue where when I am asleep sometimes it’s like some pee leaks out and I wake up with my pants wet. It’s not like I am peeing completely, just leaking. This has been happening on and off well over a year now and it was not frequent enough that I thought much of it but lately it has been happening a bit more.

I usually drink a lot of liquids before bed ( stupid I know ) and so I would usually assume it was that. Part of me thinks I may be diabetic because from what I remember last year when I was on a diet for carbs this issue went away almost completely. And I had my blood sugar tested during that point and it was fine for the fasting. Well, now I am really worried about bladder cancer. So three years ago when I had a urinalysis done on two separate occasions I had traces of urine jn my pee. The first time the dr assumed it was a UTI and gave me antibiotics. The second time was during a checkup exactly three years ago when I was having issues peeing a lot. ( I think it was partly anxiety )

The dr never said anything when she reviewed all of my results, and so I had figured it was okay. I also looked up online and it seems like for some people it can be normal to have traces in urine always. In fact I’ve seen a lot of people say it. I have never seen visible blood in my pee ever, just traces tests have picked up.

Do you think I could have bladder cancer for over three years now? I did have an abdominal ultrasound two years ago for menstrual irregularities. I know the lady pointed out my bladder to me during it when I asked what that black circle thing was. So I know that ultrasound showed my bladder and the rest of the ultrasound was perfectly normal. But now I am convinced I have had bladder cancer for years and that is has went undetected and that by now it must have spread to the point I’m going to die. I don’t want to fall down this hole again. But constant new worries are beginning to show up again and I hate it.

05-06-22, 22:07
Just checking how you are .
I am 100% you don’t have bladder cancer at that age. It’s mostly elderly people and more common in males plus nearly always has blood in urine

06-06-22, 21:06
I have a threat on here from a few years back called ‘UTI or bladder cancer’. Really really went through the mill with this one! At your age bladder cancer would be almost unheard of. I have traces of blood in my urine a lot. It can be a few days before or after your period, or just one of those things. It happened to me recently and it set off my anxiety again. I waited two weeks and had a retest and the trace blood was gone. A lot of people have trace blood most of the time and it’s nothing to worry about.