View Full Version : Skin now and just not coping in general

11-04-22, 14:53

I not sure why I am posting on here again to be honest but it sometimes helps to even just write it down. I have been posting on and off for a number of years . I get periods of months sometimes even a year when I don't suffer then I get a trigger and it all comes back. My trigger this time was a womb scare in December which turnout to be begign . However ever since December I have been on full alert to my body and also my family as well. I feel like one of those meerkats constantly looking for a threat every hour ever day.

About a month ago I got a strange skin thing like where spots appeared for no reason that were really itchy. I got a cream from gp which I had to apply all over my body 4 times a day. The cream worked and gradually I stopped getting any more. However when I was applying the cream one time I noticed a new mark near my knee that I never seen before . It was light brown , reasonable size, irregular border and not symmetrical . I phoned to book a gp to check it and got one today. When waiting for the appointment I also noticed a small nodule on my nose like a pimple but it is not a pimple. On googling I think it looks like a bcc so really worried but I don't understand why 2 different types of things have just appeared now .

I saw the gp today hoping she would say both were fine and no action needed but for both spots she said she wanted me to be referred to see a dermatologist. I was so upset and broke down in surgery.

I just had my first day off work today in 2022 and was looking forward to a week with my family and feel this it totally ruining it. My husband and I are not getting on well at all just now and he struggles to cope with me when I like this as well.

I also just so tired of feeling this way and kinda of place that I not sure if I can carry on anymore . It is ruining my life now . I can honest say since Dec I not had one day I not been worrying or anything. I was 50 last week and also feel a lot of it is connected to my hormones.

I came off my medication last August as I did not feel it was helping so that is also worrying me as I not sure if I should try another or not . I feel today that I have sort of given up on myself and just can't manage anymore . I don't feel anxious now just very sad and like it there any point anymore.

Anyway thanks for listening .


11-04-22, 15:00
I know it won't help to hear this, but I'm the biggest coward in the world. I'm fairly sure I've managed to ignore a broken elbow because I couldn't face visiting the hospital.

I definitely ignored a bcc for about five years.

I promise, these things really aren't a big deal. I've got a small silvery scar on my forehead as a result of a 45min surgery under local, and I tend to wear a hat during the warmer months. BCCs can look like anything, in any case, so there's no guarantee that you have one.

14-04-22, 10:34

Just an update. I saw a dermatologist today (I am fortunate to have private health cover) . He looked at both my areas of concern. The one on my leg he dismissed in 2 seconds as an age spot or something similar. He checked all over rest of my legs

For the round small nodule on my nose. He said he is pretty confident it was a new mole and not a BCC . He said he could shave it to be 100% sure but he was not going too. The only bit that worrying me a bit was he said he wanted just to check it again in 3mths time. I asked him a few times if he though it was ok and he said yes. Just have the usual niggle why see it again then

He is one of top uk dermatologist and my family are telling me that if he was in any doubt he would have just shaved it then.

Anyway guess I need to just forget it now for next 3 months and not keep checking every day..


PS on another note is boards really quiet now . I used to post on here years ago and got lots of replies and now it very quiet. Does that mean less folk have health anxiety now?

22-04-22, 20:39
Sorry to post again but I am now worrying about why I have to go back to dermatologist and maybe he really think it is something now .
Just worst thing . He really old said at end of the consultation when I asked why he not doing a biopsy . I wish I could block it out