View Full Version : Continuous eye issues

11-04-22, 19:25
Hello all,

I have not been on the Forum for quite some time, and every time I start hoping that will last, something happens. In any case, I would highly appreciate if anybody can share similar experience, and offer some comfort.

In august last year I was diagnosed with moderate to severe dry eye disease. This was confirmed by two different medical professionals, first my OD and in early February this year by an ophthalmologist . In February a comprehensive eye exam was repeated, in spite having had one in August 2021

In addition to artificial tears, I was prescribed Xiidra by this ophthalmologist. I am also what they call "glaucoma suspect", but that just needs to be monitored. Around March 20th my right eye, which always shows more symptoms than my left eye, started tearing. It was getting worse , and became very annoying, so I was seen by my husbands doctor, because my doctor had no openings, and I was already all worked up. He said that he could not see obvious tear duct blockage, but added that the tear duct has narrowed. However, after two days I started having purulent discharge from that eye, and I completely freaked out. Finally my OD saw me and examined it for a long time, and said it looked almost like pink eye infection, but doubted any bacteria. Gave me for a short course of a pretty strong ocular steroid drops, but added if that did not work, we will have to see if the tear duct has been blocked, although he also said he did not think so. It has been six days and both tearing, which was constant, and discharge reduced significantly (discharge is present just a little bit in the morning), but, neither disappeared completely. I am supposed to see him the day after tomorrow, so that he can reassess it. However, now I am petrified that I have a tumor somewhere between the tear duct and nose, which causes the blockage. These are really rare and not so common in females, but still...As I am 60 years old, many websites say that women are much more prone to the narrowing of the tear canals with aging, however, I cannot stop fearing I have a tumor there. Any piece of advice or words of comfort are more than welcome, especially if anybody had anything similar . Thank you .

11-04-22, 20:56
So it sounds like the steroids have helped a bit?
I have a friend with dry eye that had similar tests done to you too.

I think that waiting for tests and test results is hard. But nobody knows the results yet, so I think you need to try and find ways to talk you down from your anxiety. What usually helps you?

12-04-22, 13:34
Scass, thank you.
I do not know, I am scared. But, the steroid did help significantly. I presume if this was the worst case scenario, 5 days of steroid drops would not be able to help maybe Fishmanpa could confirm this?). I am still very scared. I am seeing the doctor tomorrow, so I would like everyone , please, to send prayers and good wishes. Thank you again.

12-04-22, 14:00
maybe Fishmanpa could confirm this?

I wish I could offer some advice but I'm unfamiliar with this type of ailment. That said, if the drops helped, that's a positive. I completely doubt something like a tear duct tumor and in fact I've never heard of such a thing. Best to follow up with your doctor.

Positive thoughts


13-04-22, 15:21
Dear FMP,

Thank you much, as always. Yes, I have a follow up in an hour - wish me luck!