View Full Version : Facial Sagging After Tooth Extraction? Does It Happen?

11-04-22, 22:38
I know this may seem a little superficial of me, and vain but I'm due to get a tooth extracted in a couple weeks, and I'm starting to worry about facial sagging and weakness, as all the dentistry places say that can happen. Im not sure if its a huge amount of bone loss, or many many years after a tooth is extracted or after many teeth are removed it happens.

Is it very noticeable? After I get my tooth removed - which is on the back left bottom jaw, I think its the bottom left 2nd molar (its large, had a root canal done when I was 13 - 34 now so lasted quite a while) I will be saving to get a Maryland bridge, preferrably an implant but that would take longer to save for €12-1400 here in Ireland, whereas a Marland Bridge is €900. I suppose I could save for a few more months and get the implant, but not sure of my bone density. The options are there anyway.

I'm already anxious about getting a tooth out, as I've never had one out before ever. So this is frightening. I'm already feeling panicky and thinking and thinking about it, worried about infections and so on, but superficially I'm worried about my face sinking in or becoming saggy. I already feel terribly having a tooth out because I know I did this to myself, with chocolate. Can't change that now though.

Anyway, I do still take great care of my teeth with brushing, flossing, rinsing. I don't drink or smoke, don't have coffee or tea, never drink sugary drinks at all, only water. So, trying my best.

Yeah, guess I'm just having a vanity moment with the thought of losing a tooth, a realization it's going to be gone. My dad laughs as he had pyorrhea in the 60's and had to be knocked out and have them all removed in one go. He despises the dentists lol!

Any experience with how a tooth extraction went? Did you notice any change in your face?

12-04-22, 10:52
I didn’t notice this when my partner had his done.

You’re still young, you have lots of lovely young muscles to keep your face together still Mischa! Stop adding worries to your list x

13-04-22, 20:17
Hahaha @Scass thanks Scass, I'll keep that in mind. Very true though, I don't need another worry, just need to get the tooth sorted first, that's the main thing x :)

14-04-22, 00:39
I've had a couple of teeth extracted over the years and have had no issues whatsoever. The worst part of any tooth extraction for me was that I got sick of mashed potatoes and protein shakes for a few days.

It will go nice and easy. Nothing to worry about (other than getting sick of mashed potatoes)

15-04-22, 23:03
@rc906 Sorry for late reply! Thanks for letting me know, that's good to hear. I'm due in a little over a week now, so will take the antibiotics 5 days before getting it out too. Yeah, I'd get sick of that too tbh :D

16-04-22, 00:37
Good luck! Within a few days after the extraction you’ll forget that it even happened.

25-04-22, 15:38
Update: Appointments tomorrow, feeling super nervous about it now. I know it won't take that long, but it feels weird losing a tooth, especially one I chew on so much, and having to get use to not having it anymore. I know I have too because its an infected tooth and costs almost as much for a re-root canal than to get an dental implant, and it might not be successful.

I think I've just been reading too much online about the whole bone loss, and facial sagging that it has me a bit paranoid about half my face drooping or something. And although I will either be getting a dental bridge or implant, depending if I do have enough bone for an implant, its still extremely expensive and is going to take me a good while to save up for either. Hopefully I can get a small denture to keep me tied over until I can afford the more permanent solutions.

I've also been taking my antibiotics, finishing today as to be prepared tomorrow. Just feel really nervous is all.

26-04-22, 16:32
Update: Had my tooth extracted this morning, was very straightforward and done in 5 minutes. It doesn't seem to be profusely bleeding, but it still is 'oozing? If that's the right word, a bit. A little bit keeps collecting in the bottom of my gum, but it isn't gushing or anything. The anaesthia is wearing off and I can feel a bit of pain, and I haven't eaten all day and I am feeling hungry but not sure what to eat? I'm trying to think what is safe to eat, maybe creamy mash potatoes and spaghetti hoops? Or some soup. I've no ice cream sadly, will have to wait until tomorrow for some of that.

I asked my dentist about a dental implant and bone density, and he said I would have to wait until the extracted tooth area had full healed so they could see how well it is. He said I had about a 6 month window for a dental implant, because the teeth start to fall in a bit after that to a permanent place because the tooth is no longer there. So maybe, I should get a small denture for now?

A dental implant is expensive and I may end up having to get a small loan for it, but thankfully I have roughly 6 months to try and even save half of that and see from there.

Today though, I'm in a bit of pain and watching how the bleeding is doing.

I had a cotton swab or something I had to bite down on for 20-25 minutues to help stop the bleeding, so I kept it on for about half an hour and walked the dogs. It seemed to have stopped, but like I said, getting a bit of 'oozing', so not sure if thats normal or if I should be worried? Its not an awful amount, just a little mixed with saliva.

Also, is the blood clot that forms suppose to look really dark? It just looks like a black hole?

27-04-22, 05:31
Well done Mischa.

Did your dentist not give you any after care advice about what you could eat and about the clot? I suspect it would be very dark.

Hope you’ve managed to eat now! I remember I used to suck on chocolate buttons after I had a tooth out when I was younger (I had 5 out!) xx

27-04-22, 16:30
@Scass Hi! He gave me a leaflet with some tips and stuff, and soft foods, but that was it really. I only ate creamy mash potatoes and later had some soup. Today I had a plain milkshake and some kefi yoghurt, slowly introducing more foods. I've been taken extra care because it is a large gap at the back and because it was an infected tooth, I don't want anything getting in there, though the blood clot has formed I think, and is now starting to close over, so should be okay within a few days. I'd say by the weekend, it'll be all right, but I'm being careful.

Oof! Well, 1 out so far, and wasn't as bad as I thought, but I feel strange without my most prominant tooth that I used. Hopefully I'll be able to get some sort of permanent fixture in it soon, but for now, it's still healing so just going to try and stop worrying about every small thing and relax a bit.

Chocolate buttons sounds nice, I've some Nutella, so might swig a spoon or two of that later ;)

27-04-22, 20:33
Oh definitely go for the Nutella!
I remember my partner chomping away about a day after his was taken out, all blasé! You’ll feel normal again in no time x

27-04-22, 22:18
@Scass Oh definitely having the Nutella! I'll see tomorrow for something a bit more solid, so far it's been behaving thankfully! Thanks Scass x

01-05-22, 15:29
Update: Just a lil' quick update. The extracted tooth site is healing up really nicely, and I've had no pain or anything, and it's nearly closed over. Now the only thing thats going to hurt is my pocket...from the price of saving for the replacement tooth lol! Seriously, it's healed nicely and any sign of the old infection is long gone and I'm taking care of my oral health and a salt rinse here and there.

01-05-22, 17:36
Brilliant, well done

11-05-22, 19:50
Just a quick question: It's been 2 weeks since my tooth extraction, and everything looks great, it's closing well. But the gum around it is still quite tender, is that normal? Its just a little sore if I press off it. I've been really careful with eating and cleaning, so its not that. Is it common to still have a sore gum around the extraction site?

12-05-22, 06:27
It does take a while to heal, as well as the extraction site the surrounding area gets bruised.

Just give it time.