View Full Version : struggling again (vent)

12-04-22, 00:19
Hi all, well after months of really improving my health anxiety (mindfulness, taking vitamin B and magnesium supplements and going through the modules that I got from here have helped amazingly) I feel like I’ve relapsed a bit and am struggling with various ailments. My dad passed away last month and it’s no coincidence that since then my anxiety has been up particularly my health anxiety. it also triggered my fear of food contamination but I’ve been keeping that at bay. Various ailments I’ve been obsessing about include:
- my heart - finally made an appt with a new doctor about it but it’s not for another couple weeks so the wait is agonizing. ive been wanting to get my heart checked out for a while now due to weird hard beats/palpitations and have had some scary fast beats lately. a couple weeks ago my heart beat rapidly for like 45 min. i’m terrified i have some sort of arrhythmia or heart damage. part of my brain is like it’s ok it’s just stress and maybe hormones that are triggering worse ones. but of course the louder voice in my head is the more terrifying one lol
- my throat. i had a horrible sore throat and swollen glands last week, hurt to swallow, but that was my only symptom besides feeling more tired than usual. i freaked out about it but it finally went away
- cognitive issues - feeling more spacey more often, second guessing myself, feeling like my brain is playing tricks on me even on the littlest things, dealing with this rush of fear/panic that i’m losing my mind or going to have a stroke
- hormonal stuff - my anxiety and depression get worse during certain times of the month. i have also wondered for years it a lot of my issues are due to a hormonal imbalance or something. i have yet to get any sort of formal diagnosis that gives me any sort of answers it’s so frustrating
- and now more recently back issues, i helped lift this heavy chair and now i’m feeling slight pressure in my lower back and some occassional tingling in my hips/legs but it comes and goes. no pain but something feels off. i’m trying to remind myself that i’m making it worse when i obsess about it and get more anxious because i’ll also make myself feel dizzy which scares me more. im trying to give the back issue a few more days but i still struggle with dealing with thoughts of becoming paralyzed or something sinister

sorry to go on and on but i know a lot of these symptoms can be anxiety presenting itself or making otherwise mild symptoms worse it’s just even with that awareness it’s still a struggle. and it’s the NOT KNOWING FOR SURE that kills me. im doing really well with not googling anything but it’s just the obsessing that i have trouble with, it just sucks the enjoyment out of everything

anyway thanks for reading, this place has helped me not feel alone esp when you most of the people in your life don’t fully understand what it’s like

13-04-22, 21:47
The obsessing absolutely is the worst part. The longer you go without performing the compulsions (google, reassurance seeking, body checking) the sooner the obsession will fade away. Easier said than done though.