View Full Version : Lumps from old injuries?

14-04-22, 00:12
Hey everyone, I hope you are all well.
Currently having a weird fixation about something that I know is illogical but figured it might make me feel better to know if somebody has anything similar.

So, I was in a really bad car accident close to 15 years ago and suffered some pretty gnarly bruising to my ribs and hip from the seatbelt, which has left my hip a little bit deformed. I have this big lump near the center of my chest, right along my left man boob (that's the scientific term). It's big, rubbery and goes along where I'd guess my rib is. Looking at it logically, I know that: 1. I have a traumatic injury at this exact spot which would have caused a contusion like this. 2. I've been aware of this lump for around five years since I lost weight and in the five years I've known it was there, it's never changed or grown or anything like that.

So knowing these things, one would think that there was zero reason to think it was something related to the C word, or something worth worrying about, right? Well, that's not how health anxiety works. Like, if there was any chance of this being something different, in five-plus years, I would either be extremely sick or this thing would have grown even a little bit, right?

I guess my question is, does anybody else here have any kind of lumps where you had an injury that never went away? It seems like it would be a normal thing, but stupid google (I know, I know) is very confusing about this kind of thing. Would appreciate knowing if this was a common thing or not.

Thank you!

15-04-22, 21:00
Dont know if it will help or not, its kind of similar

I broke my ankle 5 years ago.

about 2" below where I fractured it (I never even noticed this till last year) I have a big solid lump. I have no idea what it is really, I'm sure its related to the break (but I find it odd as its not exactly where I broke it) and I don't have it on my other foot/ankle, it doesn't hurt its just there for good.

I suspect if your lump was something else serious you would certainly know about it!

15-04-22, 23:59
That is very helpful. Thank you for your response!

The body does some very weird stuff