View Full Version : A Little Relief

15-04-22, 14:05
So I’ve posted on here a few times over the last months for different things.

The most recent thing this year has been seeing some blood streaked on stool every so often (again today after a hard stool).

A few weeks ago the last time I saw it I decided to put my worries to bed once and for all and got a check up. I got a slate of blood tests done for everything under the sun - including bowel cancer markers. So literally everything back back very good, very healthy.

I was also checked in terms of the blood in stool and the doctor did confirm I had at least one visible fissure.

So my mind has been pretty much at ease. Even with the idea of blood in the stool.

However after today I’m feeling like I’m close to entering into the irrational zone and I’m doing a balance act where I try not to.

I’m really guessing if there was anything wrong anywhere at all especially when it comes to this worry that something would have shown up - that something hasn’t been missed and the blood isn’t a result from something else.

I must say my anxiety has been great the last few weeks since I’ve gotten it done. It’s a real relief on many levels.

15-04-22, 17:41
I’m glad everything came back clear for you.

Even though you have had good results your anxiety is still there waiting for you. Do, now you need to focus on fixing that. Easy for me to say, I know.

16-04-22, 14:33
I’m glad everything came back clear for you.

Even though you have had good results your anxiety is still there waiting for you. Do, now you need to focus on fixing that. Easy for me to say, I know.

Thanks for the reply. Yes I am assuming it would be quite irrational given the amount of tests that I had that if I did have a colon cancer for instance that something would have been at least a little off kilter ?

18-04-22, 17:50
So I’ve posted on here a few times over the last months for different things.

The most recent thing this year has been seeing some blood streaked on stool every so often (again today after a hard stool).

A few weeks ago the last time I saw it I decided to put my worries to bed once and for all and got a check up. I got a slate of blood tests done for everything under the sun - including bowel cancer markers. So literally everything back back very good, very healthy.

I was also checked in terms of the blood in stool and the doctor did confirm I had at least one visible fissure.

So my mind has been pretty much at ease. Even with the idea of blood in the stool.

However after today I’m feeling like I’m close to entering into the irrational zone and I’m doing a balance act where I try not to.

I’m really guessing if there was anything wrong anywhere at all especially when it comes to this worry that something would have shown up - that something hasn’t been missed and the blood isn’t a result from something else.

I must say my anxiety has been great the last few weeks since I’ve gotten it done. It’s a real relief on many levels.

My mom had bad issues with hemorrhoids/fissures and while they are no fun they are most definitely not "dangerous" and can most definitely cause blood. So if you have a confirm fissure, hard stools, and good blood tests, the chances of blood being anything other than superficial blood are almost non existent.

I believe another "trick" is that if the blood is brighter color it usually means it got there "on the way out" versus some sinister internal issue - however I wouldn't focus on that TOO MUCH because then if it's not red you'll freak out.

If you really want to have fun, eat some raw beets and then forget about it and then look in the toilet two days later :)

18-04-22, 20:02
My mom had bad issues with hemorrhoids/fissures and while they are no fun they are most definitely not "dangerous" and can most definitely cause blood. So if you have a confirm fissure, hard stools, and good blood tests, the chances of blood being anything other than superficial blood are almost non existent.

I believe another "trick" is that if the blood is brighter color it usually means it got there "on the way out" versus some sinister internal issue - however I wouldn't focus on that TOO MUCH because then if it's not red you'll freak out.

If you really want to have fun, eat some raw beets and then forget about it and then look in the toilet two days later :)

Thanks so much. Yes being rational - I was very relieved to get the results I did get. I was a total wreck waiting for the call. I think because it’s been years since I’ve had any tests was a big source of my ongoing anxiety.

I think if I can leave this ‘blood in stool’ idea behind me now maybe that’ll be it. (I sound like a gambler).

But yeah the blood is fresh blood - a tiny mount that looks like it’s been sort of painted on by a tiny paint brush about an inch or less when it’s happened. Would probably amount to a drop or 2 I’d say. But yeah the doctor himself didn’t seem at all worried about it. Sort of laughed about it.

25-10-22, 14:55
Hi all,

I decided to jump back into this thread as this is the same issue really. Almost a year now my anxiety issues is circling around this same topic. Mainly because it has been re occurring. Again this weekend (and a few months again before that there was a significant bleed).

I’m still holding onto this rational idea that my blood tests were fine and the doctor didn’t seem in the least bit concerned. But you hear such horror stories out there (a recent one set me off again to be honest).

Is red blood in stool quite a common thing ? Or am I seeing something here that even if benign, I’m just one of a handful of people seeing this?

I’m getting the blood seemingly along side very tough stools. I have been sore after. I don’t really see blood on the paper. Just along side the stool. I’m also guessing that if the issue was ‘further up’ there would be mucus at least ? And an older feel? Instead of quite new blood? Surely it must be to do with the constipation?

I don’t know if my doctor would refer me for a sigmoidoscopy as I think he can tell I’m getting wrapped up in things that he believes are nothing to worry about. Especially after my blood tests. Part of me just wants to pay for one myself to put my mind at ease. Sorry if I’m waffling. Sometimes it helps me writing things down like this. And maybe getting any specific feedback so I can hear how I sound 😂 I can’t quite tell how irrational I’m being. I don’t know where such concerns about blood in stool even started. Perhaps as I’m getting a bit older (35 only). But even a few years ago if I saw red blood in the stool I’d forgotten about it minutes later and wrote it off as a cut.