View Full Version : I don't know what this pain is

16-04-22, 13:46
My previous posts will indicate I have long had a concern with my liver, and have gone through periods of drinking too much in that I could have 3 or 4 glasses of wine a day for several days, a few days with out, or not as much, and long periods of total abstention. Had H Pylori and am on Omeprazole for gastritis.

A few weeks ago I felt what felt like a stitch in my upper right back towards being under the arm in line with bra strap, just happened suddenly when I was reaching down into the fridge. It was sharp and make me wince, and I have since then had varying degrees of discomfort in that area mainly on movement, nothing whilst lying or sitting, just odd movements. It isn't in the front, just side and back. I have finished a topical treatment to the middle of my spine for BCC and still have quite a large ulcer there which is slowly healing.

I haven't drank for a fortnight, am on a low carb diet and slowly but surely losing weight, but this makes me wince here and there. It lessens significantly with brufen or naproxen. Bowels are OK. I am obviously terrified that it is my liver, but wonder if it could be related to the lesion I have, or is simply muscular? I truly don't want to go to the GP, I am so scared of them and bad news, I know that sounds pathetic but I truly am terrified - I had an appointment with physio 2 weeks ago for a long standing achilles tendonitis - he suggested going for bloods to check for inflammation - ESR and something else beginning with H.....I haven't been, it terrified me totally because I have never heard of a physio sending somebody for bloods when I had presented with an ankle problem that the GP thought the physio could deal with. So it made me suspicious that he picked up on something and there is something dreadfully wrong with me, so there would no chance of going for blood tests off the GP!

thank you for taking the time to read this.

18-04-22, 17:59
Hey - I'm new to the forum and hope I can help some people as I've been dealing with moderate+ anxiety on off for 7 years now.

While I am not familiar with your posts or or some of the other issues you're having, I did want to just chime in and say that I have gotten those sitches here and there in the area you describe - although for me it's been on the left. I never checked them out because in comparison to my other symptoms the sitch is just for a few seconds and then goes away. But it does make me wince and even sometimes say "ow". The rib cage is in that area and it's definitely possible that there is just some dysfunction there.

Obviously I could be way off but I just wanted to chime in and say I've had very similar sensations in similar area.

I would also add that if it's mainly on movement it would seem to be musculoskeletal versus something else. Your liver is there wether you move or not :)