View Full Version : Going for my first heart tests, what to expect?

16-04-22, 15:52
Hi everyone,

I finally told my doctor my heart related worries and fears and I requested some tests for peace of mind. I sometimes get heart palpitations, and I find my heart rate has always been a bit high. Possibly from anxiety. But I can feel my heart beat all the time. Which obviously builds up to the nerves.

The cardiac office called and they left a message for me to call back and book an appointment. I feel anxious to call back. This is a huge thing for me, I’ve always been too afraid to get tests done but I realize it’s important. I’ve never had any heart tests before and I’m 29 years old.

What are your experiences? I’ve asked for an ECG, but in the message she said “some heart tests” so I’m not sure what they will do. I’m a bit nervous to call back and set the appointment but I know it will be good to get checked.

17-04-22, 11:26
Just go and get it checked or you will never move on from this.

18-04-22, 18:14
Hi everyone,

I finally told my doctor my heart related worries and fears and I requested some tests for peace of mind. I sometimes get heart palpitations, and I find my heart rate has always been a bit high. Possibly from anxiety. But I can feel my heart beat all the time. Which obviously builds up to the nerves.

The cardiac office called and they left a message for me to call back and book an appointment. I feel anxious to call back. This is a huge thing for me, I’ve always been too afraid to get tests done but I realize it’s important. I’ve never had any heart tests before and I’m 29 years old.

What are your experiences? I’ve asked for an ECG, but in the message she said “some heart tests” so I’m not sure what they will do. I’m a bit nervous to call back and set the appointment but I know it will be good to get checked.

Hi, firstly, it sounds like you requested the tests so there should be no alarm of them calling you - it's not like they noticed something and ran to call you.

Secondly, I am in the US like you, the general tests usually are:

ECG/EKG - this takes a few seconds and almost never finds anything in anxious people since it's so short

Echo - this is a ultrasound of the heart, just like a pregnant lady gets an ultrasound on her stomach. Takes just a few minutes and assesses the structure of the heart among other things. This is a good one to get done because most likely you are fine having this test will allow you to discount any anxiety around "what if my heart is not structurally normal" which is often mentioned in palp related resources. This is also good as the heart structure doesn't just "change", so if it's good today it should be fine in 2 years as well, so it's long lasting assurance.

Treadmill test - They probably some wires to you (with sticky tape) and have you run on a treadmill to see how the heart acts on exercise. This is another good one for reassurance

There are probably more complicated tests but considering your age those 3 should knock out most anxieties your mind can come up with.

You can probably just call and ask what tests they plan to do as well.

One last thought - I am QUITE familiar with the "thought circle" of having anxiety but then being afraid to take tests. What I will say is that a good mindset to have is that most likely the tests will find nothing wrong and even if they do find something its better to deal with it now rather than kick it down the road. Considering your age the chances of anything significant being found are near zero.

18-04-22, 19:48
Hi, firstly, it sounds like you requested the tests so there should be no alarm of them calling you - it's not like they noticed something and ran to call you.

Secondly, I am in the US like you, the general tests usually are:

ECG/EKG - this takes a few seconds and almost never finds anything in anxious people since it's so short

Echo - this is a ultrasound of the heart, just like a pregnant lady gets an ultrasound on her stomach. Takes just a few minutes and assesses the structure of the heart among other things. This is a good one to get done because most likely you are fine having this test will allow you to discount any anxiety around "what if my heart is not structurally normal" which is often mentioned in palp related resources. This is also good as the heart structure doesn't just "change", so if it's good today it should be fine in 2 years as well, so it's long lasting assurance.

Treadmill test - They probably some wires to you (with sticky tape) and have you run on a treadmill to see how the heart acts on exercise. This is another good one for reassurance

There are probably more complicated tests but considering your age those 3 should knock out most anxieties your mind can come up with.

You can probably just call and ask what tests they plan to do as well.

One last thought - I am QUITE familiar with the "thought circle" of having anxiety but then being afraid to take tests. What I will say is that a good mindset to have is that most likely the tests will find nothing wrong and even if they do find something its better to deal with it now rather than kick it down the road. Considering your age the chances of anything significant being found are near zero.

Hi there, yes I requested it because of my terrible heart anxiety after having COVID. I finally have my appointment tomorrow. Super nervous but I know it will be so worth it.

They told me it’s an ECG, ultrasound, and a 72 hour holster. Basically what you’ve said!
Now I just need to keep my anxiety calm, it’s been a rough weekend and I had a panic attack last night thinking about it.

Im sure they will notice my fast heart beat, just praying to god nothing else and everything will be normal. But you’re right, even if there is something it’s good to know they can see it now and not years later when it’s too advanced. I feel a bit jittery now and shaky knowing my appointment is tomorrow. Hopefully it will all be okay

18-04-22, 20:34
Oh of course the holter! Forgot that, another great one. You just wear a beeper like thing on your belt which monitors your heart rate nonstop so any odd feelings you have likely get recorded and then the doctor can tell you definitively that "the palp at 8pm was nothing to worry about".

Good luck!

18-04-22, 23:34
Oh of course the holter! Forgot that, another great one. You just wear a beeper like thing on your belt which monitors your heart rate nonstop so any odd feelings you have likely get recorded and then the doctor can tell you definitively that "the palp at 8pm was nothing to worry about".

Good luck!

I’m very happy to be getting the tests done but deep inside I have such bad anxiety about tomorrow. I’m so nervous. Just trying to remain calm but it’s a bit difficult. I tried to not concentrate on my heart today and it made things so much easier. I didn’t check for my heart beat and if I felt it while laying down I would change positions. This has worked wonders!!

Thank you for your messages!!

19-04-22, 15:22
When I was in high school I had a sports physical and the doctor noted I had an irregular heartbeat so I also had to do the holster and an ultrasound. It was a bit nerve wracking but overall really easy (though the holster is a bit annoying). For me, it was just that every few beats my heart would just skip. It's 10 years later and no other doctor has mentioned it when I've gone in for physicals, so I really don't know if it's still an issue or not.

Hope all goes well, though I'm sure it will!

19-04-22, 15:56
When I was in high school I had a sports physical and the doctor noted I had an irregular heartbeat so I also had to do the holster and an ultrasound. It was a bit nerve wracking but overall really easy (though the holster is a bit annoying). For me, it was just that every few beats my heart would just skip. It's 10 years later and no other doctor has mentioned it when I've gone in for physicals, so I really don't know if it's still an issue or not.

Hope all goes well, though I'm sure it will!

Thanks for sharing your story Poppy!! Seems like these things are fairly normal and aren’t usually a concern about. Which is so good to know.

My appointment is in an hour. I’m currently trying to eat but it’s difficult. Also getting palpitations and so nervous. I hope they understand that I have anxiety and palps happen to me, makes me worried about what they will see when I get there with my heart beating fast. :(

19-04-22, 19:09
I just got home from my cardiac tests, I was so anxious. I cried to the technician in the room and she helped calm me down. They did the ultrasound, ECG, and now I am wearing the holster until Friday. I was so anxious and now worried about keeping my anxiety down while wearing it.
During my ECG I was anxious too. Had palpitations, will they show up on my test? :(

19-04-22, 20:16
They might, but doctors can usually tell anxiety from an issue. For one thing, your heartbeat overnight will be a good indicator. But try to do some relaxing things over the next few days, both for your test and for your mental health.

When I did my ultrasound I wasn't particularly nervous, but they weren't really looking at how fast my heart was beating but rather the pattern and the structure of the heart itself. So I don't think nerves would effect it too much.

Try to take a breather. If something is wrong they will address it. Heart issues in a 29 year old without previous history are pretty rare. I'm certain they'll give you the all clear.

19-04-22, 21:04
They might, but doctors can usually tell anxiety from an issue. For one thing, your heartbeat overnight will be a good indicator. But try to do some relaxing things over the next few days, both for your test and for your mental health.

When I did my ultrasound I wasn't particularly nervous, but they weren't really looking at how fast my heart was beating but rather the pattern and the structure of the heart itself. So I don't think nerves would effect it too much.

Try to take a breather. If something is wrong they will address it. Heart issues in a 29 year old without previous history are pretty rare. I'm certain they'll give you the all clear.

The overnight one is actually so true, they will see my resting heart without the constant anxiety. I feel like today I've gotten palpitations on and off, also that adrenaline in my belly. I'm sure it will show up on the holster. Doing some puzzles to stay calm, they're helping a bit! Ah yes the ultrasound was similar too, looking at the structure as well as the 4 main arteries, she said they look for blockages and stuff. I was surprised at how in depth the ultrasound was, it took 30 mins.

you're so right, need to take a breather and try to relax, I'm sure tonight I'll feel better, just a bit difficult sometimes to shake off anxiety attacks from earlier in the day. Thanks so much Poppy!!

20-04-22, 15:54
Not even 1 day after completing my heart tests they are calling to book a stress test (running on treadmill one). They don’t even have my results yet, but I want to try and avoid that test. They called me once after my test yesterday and then this morning.

It makes me so anxious when I see that number call, both times it puts me in panic mode and I’m sure it’s being recorded on my Holster that I’m wearing.

21-04-22, 15:36
It’s finally the last full day of wearing the Holter. I want to rip it off so badly, my anxiety has been bad with it on this morning, I keep getting palpitations and I’m worried they will show up as bad on my test results. :(

21-04-22, 15:45
I hated wearing the holster - it was so annoying and always in the way.

The doctors that read the results can absolutely tell if there is something serious going on. And as much as you don't want there to be something serious going on (and there likely isn't!), if there were to be an issue you would definitely want it to show up so that it could be dealt with. In reality it will likely just show some spikes due to anxiety which can be discussed at your appointment. Are you going to do the treadmill test? Hopefully the combo of the three could reassure you that everything is fine?

21-04-22, 16:08
I hated wearing the holster - it was so annoying and always in the way.

The doctors that read the results can absolutely tell if there is something serious going on. And as much as you don't want there to be something serious going on (and there likely isn't!), if there were to be an issue you would definitely want it to show up so that it could be dealt with. In reality it will likely just show some spikes due to anxiety which can be discussed at your appointment. Are you going to do the treadmill test? Hopefully the combo of the three could reassure you that everything is fine?

I feel so constricted wearing it. It makes me so agitated.

There will definitely be some spikes, I’m currently at the tail end of one. I’m just afraid of the results and it makes my anxiety spike up when I think of it and sometimes causes palpitations. I hate this so much :(.
I don’t want to do the treadmill test, I never feel palpitations when working out, quite the opposite. Feels better to work out actually.

Ugh, I didn’t get much sleep last night and I’m feeling awful and constricted because of this Holter. I can’t stop crying and sometimes gagging because of my anxiety. :(
Also lately when I’m anxious I get lots of burps, makes me worried it’s heart related. :(

21-04-22, 18:29
I feel so constricted wearing it. It makes me so agitated.

There will definitely be some spikes, I’m currently at the tail end of one. I’m just afraid of the results and it makes my anxiety spike up when I think of it and sometimes causes palpitations. I hate this so much :(.
I don’t want to do the treadmill test, I never feel palpitations when working out, quite the opposite. Feels better to work out actually.

Ugh, I didn’t get much sleep last night and I’m feeling awful and constricted because of this Holter. I can’t stop crying and sometimes gagging because of my anxiety. :(
Also lately when I’m anxious I get lots of burps, makes me worried it’s heart related. :(

Hey - just wanted to chime in again.

1) It's GOOD you're getting palps while wearing it - if you didn't get anything then the test will be useless because they will tell you it's fine and then the next day you'll have a palp and think "oh man that wasn't on the monitor what if THIS is bad". If the palps you're having now represent your general palps then when the DR says they're fine it will be much more useful. The opposite is much worse, wearing a Holter and then having no palps during the time and totally getting nothing out of the whole ordeal

2) Which part of the treadmill test are you worried about? If I remember correctly it's not like the make you run full speed, it's more of a brisk walk for maybe 10 minutes. I took a different test once where the goal is exercise to FAILURE - that was something I wouldn't want to do again so fast - BPM reached just about 200 (the max for my age at the time). The more standard treadmill test is not looking to drain you down - just to monitor you during some exercise. You're already basically doing it by wearing the Holter - as I'm sure you've had a 10 minute walk somewhere in the 3 day span. If you feel it's just a waste of time on the other hand, you can ask them if they think it's necessary but since it seems you initiated the testing then maybe you may as well just do the one more to have as complete reassurance as possible

3) Burping is ridiculously common in anxious people, the breathing gets messed up and you swallow too much air while talking/eating which makes you burp. Nothing to do with the heart.

27-04-22, 02:48
Hey - just wanted to chime in again.

1) It's GOOD you're getting palps while wearing it - if you didn't get anything then the test will be useless because they will tell you it's fine and then the next day you'll have a palp and think "oh man that wasn't on the monitor what if THIS is bad". If the palps you're having now represent your general palps then when the DR says they're fine it will be much more useful. The opposite is much worse, wearing a Holter and then having no palps during the time and totally getting nothing out of the whole ordeal

2) Which part of the treadmill test are you worried about? If I remember correctly it's not like the make you run full speed, it's more of a brisk walk for maybe 10 minutes. I took a different test once where the goal is exercise to FAILURE - that was something I wouldn't want to do again so fast - BPM reached just about 200 (the max for my age at the time). The more standard treadmill test is not looking to drain you down - just to monitor you during some exercise. You're already basically doing it by wearing the Holter - as I'm sure you've had a 10 minute walk somewhere in the 3 day span. If you feel it's just a waste of time on the other hand, you can ask them if they think it's necessary but since it seems you initiated the testing then maybe you may as well just do the one more to have as complete reassurance as possible

3) Burping is ridiculously common in anxious people, the breathing gets messed up and you swallow too much air while talking/eating which makes you burp. Nothing to do with the heart.

Hi there, thank you for responding!
1) yes absolutely you’re right! I ended up taking off the holter on Friday and the palpitations and ectopics totally stopped that day. But on and off over the weekend. It’s been a week since I did my ultrasound and ECG, no calls about it or anything so I’m assuming it’s nothing bad.

2) the stress test is exactly like that one you did where you have to run very fast. I’m totally scared about that, but if my other results are okay I’m going to take it that my heart is healthy and try to move on from it.

3) I just had a burping episode an hour ago which set off my anxiety unfortunately. It also caused 3 ectopics in a row. It almost threw me in a spiral of anxiety, but I really tried to breathe. I’m a bit worried now. But I’ve had the ectopics for years from what I can remember. Not 3 in a row but here and there, it’s not surprising I had many in a row since I was so anxious before and also anticipating it.

28-04-22, 19:37
So it’s been quite a while and I haven’t gotten a call about my results. I did the ultrasound and ECG last week on Tuesday, so it’s been a week and 2 days now.

My 72 holter I dropped it off last week on Friday so it’s been almost a week for that. Do you think it’s safe to say that my results are probably normal since the doctor isn’t rushing to give me results?

Im trying to remain calm, but It can be difficult sometimes. I personally think if it was something I would know by now. Also, the cardiology office seemed very on top of their stuff, as they called me quickly after I requested tests from my family doctor and gave me an appointment the following day.

29-04-22, 01:46
The ECG and ultrasound they very likely got the results by now. The holters do take some time process from what I understand, could be more than a week, although I imagine there too if there was anything glaringly obvious they'd probably expedite processing.

29-04-22, 18:22
The ECG and ultrasound they very likely got the results by now. The holters do take some time process from what I understand, could be more than a week, although I imagine there too if there was anything glaringly obvious they'd probably expedite processing.

Yes I'm sure they have the results of the ECG and ultrasound, which I think is a good sign if there's nothing wrong. Especially the ultrasound (boy do they ever check for a long time and very in depth haha). I'm sure by now they have started looking at the Holter, I don't think anything bad will show up because since I've taken it off and my anxiety has been more calm, the ectopics haven't happened!

03-05-22, 19:55
Hi everyone, it’s been 2 weeks today since I did an ultrasound and ECG on my heart. It has been a week and two days since I dropped off my 72 hour holter.

I haven’t heard anything yet. Idk how I feel about this, must mean there’s nothing wrong right? I’m thinking if I don’t get a call this week I will call them and see what they say.

But I’m anxious. I hope they didn’t forget about my tests and they haven’t been looked at yet. Usually my doctor calls me, but this was through a cardiologist…which my family dr recommended me to. So not sure if they do something different.

Usually I know if they don’t call then that means you’re typically okay.

04-05-22, 00:18
I know if they don’t call then that means you’re typically okay.



04-05-22, 02:02


My anxiety brain tries to make up some ridiculous story!

05-05-22, 12:36
I had one about a month ago and never got a call. They have a digitized system though so I know they got the results and fairly certain they were good. Generally they would call you otherwise but at this point of it's driving you nuts just call them - I'm sure the results are fine

05-05-22, 13:05
Here in the UK, they never call unless they need to see you, I’m sure it will be the same over there.
Its a case of no news is good news. The results would go back to you Dr. and if they wanted to see you, I’m sure you would have heard by now.

06-05-22, 17:35
I had a CT Scan last February.

I don't know why but I assumed I'd hear something back within a couple of weeks, I spent god knows how long trying to get in touch with someone (It was tricky because my initial appointment was private but he bumped me back onto the NHS as he didn't see any reason to rush, he had 4-5 secretaries and it was a nightmare trying to hunt the right one down!)

From what I remember I got through at some point in the middle of march to be told I hadn't even been looked at yet. Back to freaking out, then I got back in touch at the start of April to be told - oh yeah, the results are in, it was put on the system last week. Again I was still none the wiser, I asked what would happen regarding the results. Well if he needs to see you again you will get a letter, if you hear nothing back - no news is good news.

Ok! so what happened about a week later - I get a letter :scared15: - basically telling me things looked fine. and that was that!

I checked with my GP who found it odd as it was very vague and never even mentioned my heart and managed to have a chat with the cardiologist, the take from it seemed to be - you'd know about it if there was a problem.

So yeah. I'd echo other people - no news seems to be good news!

11-05-22, 22:33
Thank you all SO much!
I finally got results today….my heart is completely fine!!! I cried with happiness. The cardiologist reassured me that my palpitations are benign. My average heart rate was good, and it went to 54 when sleeping. One day I had 160, probably from running up the stairs while anxious. But I’m so so relieved!!!! I feel like going for a jog now knowing my heart is okay

12-05-22, 21:07
That’s good news.