View Full Version : Fluoxetine increase dosage

16-04-22, 18:01
Hi I’m Nannar1950,
I’ve suffered Anxiety the past 4 yrs. recently my GP prescribed Fluoxetine. Dosage was 20mg alternate days. After six weeks I noticed my anxiety got worse the days I didn’t have to take it. So GP upped me to 20 mg everyday. I’m now on week three but feeling no better. I’m a little confused because changing the dosage does this mean I’ve started from the beginning again.? Side effects are just as bad too.

thanks for reading .

16-04-22, 18:06
Hiya Nannar1950 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

16-04-22, 18:43
Thank you for your lovely welcome Emma ��

17-04-22, 17:07
I think because your dose has been upped it's kind of prolonged your start up symptoms, so you probably need to hang on in there a while longer before things start to settle down.

Has your GP suggested any counselling/CBT too? Medication can help immensely, but long term having some counselling etc really helps. Personally, for me , counselling/CBT + medication + some lifestyle changes all go hand in hand.

18-04-22, 09:05
Hi Catkins,
Thank you for your reply. Last year I had counselling which helped lots. First weekly then fortnightly progressing to once a month.I reached the point my councillor agreed with me I was in a better place and that I would let her know if I needed her. However I recently found she has moved away from my area. So my GP has now registered my with a NHS counsellor and I’m waiting for a reply.
in January I was admitted to hospital with low blood pressure when standing. The consultant after 5 days told me I have Postural Hypotension and there is no cure. This really has freaked me out.

thank you for replying to me I appreciate it.

18-04-22, 17:45
Yes, I've had that when I was pregnant and also randomly throughout the years. With me it was connected to other things I.e. being pregnant, not drinking enough etc. Over the years I've had a tendency to have BP on the low side and not standing too long without moving helps, drinking plenty etc helps. At one point I ended up having to give up Tai Chi as the slow movement, virtually standing still made me go all woozy.

You can live a really good life with postural hypotension and there are things you can do to help yourself. Maybe discuss with your GP?

18-04-22, 20:55
Thanks Catkins. I drink at least 2L water daily. Before standing I do 50 heal raises slowly stand then March on the spot before walking slowly. If I don’t then I go very dizzy. When hospital consultant told me it really scared me.