View Full Version : Sore joints

18-04-22, 16:21

My 60 year old father has had achy joints, shoulder and hips, for months. His hips have gotten increasingly sore, to the point he’s made a GP appointment for the end of the week. He is a person who never goes to the GP so he is clearly in a lot of pain. He’s quite stiff too. He has suffered with fatigue for years.
Usually any symptoms anybody has I think it’s something sinister but I’m trying to stay calm and think more realistically.
Does arthritis cause pain in joints on both sides at the same time? I’m wondering if this could be what’s wrong with him.

Thanks for any replies 😀

18-04-22, 16:24
Does arthritis cause pain in joints on both sides at the same time?

I'm 63 and the answer to that question is indeed it can and does!


18-04-22, 17:00
Yes, both my shoulders ache and both my knees!

Once you hit a certain age, aches, pains and stiffness become part of life.