View Full Version : a new sympton (for me)

21-11-07, 20:57
Hi all - i visit this site alot but never post anything as i have always found i can get answers and reassurance from reading what everyone writes (plus i never know what to say).

Now i am asking for reassurance or for someone to say 'it's normal'!!! I have had headaches on and off for the last 3 weeks, mainly centred on the area above my right ear - but it does move around (tension like). I went to Dr's and she said if it didn't go away to come back in one week and she would take non-specific blood tests, of course i didn't go back - i'm not good with giving blood and even worse at waiting on results!!! I am of course convinced that i have a brain tumor or something as equally horrific!!!

Anyway last night just after midnight - i woke, jumped out of bed to go ask husband when he coming to bed (thought he had fallen asleep on sofa), came back to bed and suddenly i couldn't think straight - i can't explain it, it was weird, i couldnt think if there was anyone else in the house. This only lasted for about 30 secs i think, but it sent me into panic, felt sick, cried, tremouring inside - husband was fab!

I didnt go to work today - dont actually have a bad headache but it sometimes feels funny, odd, and i think i am convincing myself that i have a headache, or constantly anticipating a headache. I felt really low all day - convinced that i have a neurological problem of some sort and its driving me mad!

I should add that i worry alot about my health - too much. I start a new job (promotion) in a different dept at work in two weeks, lots to do before i move on. A bit worried about that. Is it possible that the headache is a sympton of anxiety, even though i dont think i feel very anxious at the moment, just a bit stressed? And what was last night about - not being able to think straight or control my thoughts???

Am i going mad - or have i some serious illness?? Sorry for the long post but i am really worried??? Any help/advice would be lovely!

Thank you (in anticipation)

21-11-07, 21:48
Hello Chickadee,

Welcome to NMP. You will make loads of friends and get great advice.

It sounds to me like you are getting tension headaches. Even tho you don't think you are anxious, you may be. With changing jobs and finishing up the one you are doing now.

As for last night, I have done that before, couldn't remember if anybody was home with me. I think it has to do with the fact that you woke up and went to find your husband, then you went back to bed. You were functioning but not thinking.

Hope this helps, but please follow up with your doctor.

21-11-07, 22:40
Hi Believe - thanks for replying! Reassurance always helps! Funnily enough i have just had a telephone conversation with my dad (he doesn't know I have anxiety) and he was telling me about his ears (build up of wax - tmi) which we both have quite bad on a regular basis, and he was describing the exact same headaches as i have and got his ears syringed today and how much better he feels now. I have ear problems at the moment as well, so amybe if it continues i will go back to the Dr (agghhh, takes a lot of courage to do that)!!!!
Again - thanks for replying - anxiety does drive us all barmey!!!

22-11-07, 00:22
Anxiety works in weird ways i tell you and these symptoms do sound like that.

I myself have had bad headaches for the past 3 weeks too sometimes i go to bed with them and wake up with it still.. Try not to worry about it so much because that will only make it worse. Also as soon as one starts to come on try taking a couple advil or tylenol right away before it gets really bad. I find if i can take them right at the onset of the headache it tends to keep it at bay. Try some deep breathing and a nice hot glass of green tea as well..

I hope you feel better soon!

23-11-07, 12:03
I think go back to the docs because it might put your mind at ease. I am not a doctor but the one thing they always tell me is that if I had a tumour in the 3 weeks it would have progressed to the point you would be suffering different symptoms as well.

Hopefully things will ease and you will find yourself returning to normal. But it is scary, I know how you feel, you have to think positive and having your hubby as support is excellent!

Hope the doc app goes well and your headaches go away.
Take care,