View Full Version : Physical symptoms after 3-4 weeks of anxiety.

20-04-22, 16:41
Hi, I've been having some bad anxiety about my health for the past 3-4 weeks. Had my heart listened to and my aorta palped at the doctors office and my o2 sats measured and all is fine. Yesterday was good, I kept busy focused on something else. But today I'm having a whole bunch of symptoms, I feel a bit nauseous and my heart is pounding and my abdomen is jumping with every heartbeat and a bit of chest pain around my left breast. I recently upped my fluoxetine from 30mg to 40mg and I'm hoping this is all just cause of that or just bodily effects of long term anxiety.
Would love to hear from some of you what symptoms you've had after long term anxiety.

20-04-22, 17:15
I've had all those symptoms with anxiety. Your recent increase in dose may have increased you feelings of anxiety, this usually settle after a while.

Hang on in there.