View Full Version : Post-coital bleed/ thrush

21-04-22, 14:17
Had a chronic case of thrush, on and off, for about 5 months. Have seen a gynaecologist about it, it’s definitely thrush (tested for everything) and I am managing it with tablets and prescription creams, though it does flare up from time to time. I can’t use OTC creams and pessaries as they burn me further, so basically it’s been a case of seeing what works and overall, it hasn’t been terrible, just annoying.

Earlier this week, just after what was a particularly nasty flare up of the thrush, I had some mild post-coital bleeding. I have had it before in the outer areas of the vagina/ vulva and could definitely put this down to the yeast infection making my tissues sore and vulnerable but this appears to be further up my vagina. I have not noticed any spotting on my underwear and if I wipe, there is nothing there, but if I put a tampon in, it comes out with a small amount of blood on it, always on one particular sided, almost like I have irritated the area and made it bleed with the tampon (because I am an idiot?

Sorry if TMI but it was relatively rough intercourse (completely consensual) and an peri-menopausal so am sometimes a bit dry down there.

I don’t know what I am asking for here, I guess just some reassurance. My HA is absolutely through the roof right now, after being mostly controlled for a long time. I have a gynae appointment on Monday and I honestly don’t know if I can make it through the weekend. I am running every possibility in my head. Any help greatly appreciated.

21-04-22, 15:27
Oh goodness! Your post makes me whince! I've only really had thrush once, but no way could I have had sex - you're braver than me! I remember I actually bled inserting the pessary... So yes, the tissue is inflammed... Which means more prone to bleeding. Talk in through at your appointment on Monday. Xxx

21-04-22, 21:48
Thank you @starburst8 it is so nice to get a reply.

I know logically the bleeding is more than likely from the thrush, I didn’t realise how sore I was until I started having sex, but my mind is of course going everywhere because that is the nature of health anxiety, isn’t it? I have stopped “investigating” with tampons because my vulva and vagina were getting very dry from that and I think I was only aggravating the area that was bleeding and not allowing it to heal. Hopefully the gynaecologist will be able to reassure me on Monday and also help me get this yeast infection sorted once and for all.

I also realise that I am probably perimenopausal and I don’t really know about what to expect from the next few years and what is normal/ anything to worry about, so I need to get myself prepared for that.

21-04-22, 21:56
Ouch that sounds sore. It could definitely have just aggravated an already sore/dry area. Try and leave it alone if you can xx