View Full Version : Hyper vigilance of body sensations

22-04-22, 11:54
Hi everyone,

I'm really struggling with hyper vigilance at the moment. I'm on a fast track referral for abnormal bloods and bloating, but I'm becoming hyper sensitive to every little pinch and twang from the waist down. It then escalates my anxiety. How do people deal with this? I know distraction is good but it's also hard to not focus on the symptoms!

Ideas, suggestions and support greatly received 😊

Thank you

22-04-22, 20:42
It’s really really hard but best thing is to keep busy . When I am busy at work or have a different worry then I don’t notice other body things . Years ago I had this twitching that really stressed me . If you search my posts you will see . Once I got my head in place that it was just anxiety then they just went away .

26-04-22, 19:49
It’s really really hard but best thing is to keep busy . When I am busy at work or have a different worry then I don’t notice other body things . Years ago I had this twitching that really stressed me . If you search my posts you will see . Once I got my head in place that it was just anxiety then they just went away .

The same happened to me a few years ago with an eye twitch. I swear I had this eye twitch for like 3 or 4 weeks straight. Eventually I just got tired of focusing on it, and within about 3-6 days the twitching was gone.

26-04-22, 23:58
I'm going through similar! I can see my pulse everywhere and it's freaking me out!

27-04-22, 02:05
I'm going through similar! I can see my pulse everywhere and it's freaking me out!

I've been experiencing the exact same thing for over a week now ever since I had a panic attack.

27-04-22, 02:15
I've been experiencing the exact same thing for over a week now ever since I had a panic attack.

Oh really? Where do you see your pulse? I'm seeing my chest rise and fall with every beat and my carotids are visibly pulsing in my neck and yesterday I notice it around my collarbones too.

27-04-22, 02:40
Oh really? Where do you see your pulse? I'm seeing my chest rise and fall with every beat and my carotids are visibly pulsing in my neck and yesterday I notice it around my collarbones too.

I feel and see the pulse all over my body, even including the legs. It sometimes feels like I'm trembling from my heart beat.

27-04-22, 12:48
Oh wow. What do your doctors say?

27-04-22, 13:04
Oh wow. What do your doctors say?

Well I haven't talked to my doctor about this symptom specifically because I figure it's just my anxiety. I'm pretty sure I have experienced it before in the past when I've been in an overwhelmed state.