View Full Version : The lightheaded/on a boat type of anxiety symptom

23-04-22, 19:57
I hate it!
I find I get this sensation after a stressful week of me panicking about something else. I feel like a brain fog with a lightheaded (mostly when moving) type of feeling. Almost like you’re on a moving boat. Drives me crazy!

I’m trying not to relate it to my heart anxiety, it’s difficult. Do you guys feel this way sometimes?

24-04-22, 06:42
This is a common symptom of mine, though I do have episodes of vertigo as well.

As an anxiety symptom it's caused by breathing too rapidly, shallowly etc, It's a case of too much oxygen & C02 levels or too little and either case can cause this 'motion sickness' symptom.

Best thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to breathe properly (I do box breathing) and make a point of doing the breathing exercises several times a day and especially during times of increased stress.

24-04-22, 20:24
This is a common symptom of mine, though I do have episodes of vertigo as well.

As an anxiety symptom it's caused by breathing too rapidly, shallowly etc, It's a case of too much oxygen & C02 levels or too little and either case can cause this 'motion sickness' symptom.

Best thing you can do for yourself is to learn how to breathe properly (I do box breathing) and make a point of doing the breathing exercises several times a day and especially during times of increased stress.

Thank you Nora!
Hmm, I understand that it can be caused by breathing too rapidly or shallowly, but what if it happens suddenly out of nowhere while you weren't particularly anxious?
I'm on my period right now so I wonder if it is causing me to be a bit light headed. I bent over to pick something up and really felt it...trying not to worry is so hard!

25-04-22, 07:54
Thank you Nora!
Hmm, I understand that it can be caused by breathing too rapidly or shallowly, but what if it happens suddenly out of nowhere while you weren't particularly anxious?
I'm on my period right now so I wonder if it is causing me to be a bit light headed. I bent over to pick something up and really felt it...trying not to worry is so hard!

There's no such thing as these symptoms coming 'out of nowhere'. When we are anxious for a long time our systems are constantly in fight or flight and even when the stress response isn't active, our bodies are still dealing with excess stress hormones and we're unlikely to be breathing properly as breathing badly becomes habitual etc.

That said, I always got light-headed during my periods and I was always more likely to feel faint after getting up too quickly or getting out of the bath. That all stopped when I went through the menopause. I never really questioned it tbh? My periods tended to be on the heavy side so I put it down to that..