View Full Version : Pelvic organ prolapse

23-04-22, 20:31
I had a hysterectomy just over a year ago. I was having some issues with my pelvic floor a few months later and did a few months of physical therapy. I stopped therapy when I got busy with school, etc. At the time, the urogyecologist I saw didn’t thing I had any severe prolapse (she said, if nothing is falling out, it’s not prolapse). My PT noted slight prolapse (rectocele and cystocele). We worked on both preventing over tightening of my pelvic floor and strengthening it.

This whole week I’ve been feeling so uncomfortable. I mowed the lawn and since then I’ve had so much pressure down there. I’m struggling with bowel movements because I can’t strain AT ALL without feeling things moving. Nothing is falling out, but when I walk around I do have a tampon falling out sensation. I think my bladder/urethra may have dropped further down.

I’m going to call my gyn on Monday and I have a PT appointment for May 5. But I wondered if anyone had some positive stories with PT helping more symptomatic pelvic floor issues. I’ve already had two major surgeries. I’m not interested in having this surgically repaired but the idea of a chronic issue is super triggering for me because I spent years in pain from fibroids before finally having surgery (which was my ultimate fear).

Success stories with pelvic organ prolapse are much appreciated!!

24-04-22, 08:19
This whole week I’ve been feeling so uncomfortable. I mowed the lawn and since then I’ve had so much pressure down there. I’m struggling with bowel movements because I can’t strain AT ALL without feeling things moving. Nothing is falling out, but when I walk around I do have a tampon falling out sensation. I think my bladder/urethra may have dropped further down.

I haven't had a hysterectomy but I have had these kind of issues where it felt like there was a fullness sensation but with no prolapse, apparently. I had to support my undercarriage with my hand when I did a poo - which was fun (not)

I'm coming back as a bloke.:lac:

I should add that this issue improved after I had physio for a separate pelvic issue though it initially started when I was doing yoga. :huh:

24-04-22, 14:03
I'm coming back as a bloke.:lac:


I also have to provide that extra support sometimes - it's just been much worse this week. I'm hoping everything is just a bit inflamed and will settle down and then getting back to PT will help. I had some issues before with an overly tight pelvic floor muscle along with the weakness - because nothing can be simple! So, I'm also thinking I might have made things worse when I first got worried and did 10,000 kegels. So, I'm going to try to relax, stop kegeling for the next few days and hope I can get in to see my gyn this coming week so I don't have to wait all the way until May 5 for the PT. My gyn checked me last year so she should be able to tell if there's been a change since then.

I think I also need to accept that my pelvic floor is trash and it'll be a forever thing to maintain it - I had a baby, gained 50 pounds, grew MASSIVE fibroids that lived on top of my pelvic floor for 3 years, and then had a hysterectomy. So, I check off all the risk factor boxes for prolapse! :yesyes:

Thanks for your response - it does make me feel better that you felt something similar and it wasn't a prolapse.

25-04-22, 08:04

I also have to provide that extra support sometimes - it's just been much worse this week. I'm hoping everything is just a bit inflamed and will settle down and then getting back to PT will help. I had some issues before with an overly tight pelvic floor muscle along with the weakness - because nothing can be simple! So, I'm also thinking I might have made things worse when I first got worried and did 10,000 kegels.

Physio gave me several exercises' to do but I remember that one which involved squeezing those muscles (as if I was trying to stop myself doing a wee) required a message to said physiotherapist as it aggravated the issue so she told me to stop doing that one.

I think I also need to accept that my pelvic floor is trash and it'll be a forever thing to maintain it - I had a baby, gained 50 pounds, grew MASSIVE fibroids that lived on top of my pelvic floor for 3 years, and then had a hysterectomy. So, I check off all the risk factor boxes for prolapse! :yesyes:

You certainly do lol. Then again, I knew a lady who had a prolapse and she'd never given birth. She said she was coming back as a bloke too. :roflmao:

Thanks for your response - it does make me feel better that you felt something similar and it wasn't a prolapse.

Happy to be of service. :)

25-04-22, 14:53
Physio gave me several exercises' to do but I remember that one which involved squeezing those muscles (as if I was trying to stop myself doing a wee) required a message to said physiotherapist as it aggravated the issue so she told me to stop doing that one.

Yes - I think I over-squeezed! :roflmao:

When I first went to the urogynecologist she said my pelvic floor was too tight and wrote on my PT referral - "NO KEGELS" But, eventually once we relaxed it more I was able to do them to start strengthening. But, I definitely need to work with my PT so I don't over do it.

Things are calming down now so I may skip the gyn and just wait until my PT appointment next week. Then if she thinks things have gotten worse and it's worth a doctor visit I'll do that. But, I suspect if I went to the doctor she'd just say either - everything is fine, you're just freaking out for no reason again OR things are lower, go get PT.

26-04-22, 07:57
Yes - I think I over-squeezed! :roflmao:

I'm subconsciously doing 500'0000 Kegels a day. :scared15:

05-05-22, 16:37
I wanted to come back and update this for anyone who may come across it. I had this sensation for about 2-3 weeks. It progressively got better when I stopped over-kegeling. I saw my gyn and she said that things looked the same as they did last year. I was still having symptoms at that point, though. The day (especially after the exam making it feel even more irritated) I sat on a heating pad for a while and that seemed to make a big difference in helping relax my pelvic floor. In the next few days symptoms continued to improve until it was no longer noticeable (of not - I stopped feeling around AND I stopped worrying as much since my doctor had not been concerned - both these things likely contributed to my reduced symptoms in addition to the relaxed pelvic floor).

I saw my PT yesterday and she also felt like nothing seemed noticeably worse than before. The strength/tone of my pelvic floor is weak, so we will work on it more together, but the dropping of my bladder/rectum is minor and nothing is approaching actually falling through my vagina, thankfully! She even checked while I was standing up.

So, I'm feeling good to have had two opinions on this and have an action plan to return to PT to continue strengthening my pelvic floor and stabilizing my core.