View Full Version : Having to get used to a new enviroment...

25-04-22, 14:30

I'm on holiday at my parents new house and for some reason i really have to get used to the new environment.. i've been here a week now and still not used to it.
I really miss the old house, the view, just the feeling really.. It makes my anxiety spike when i think about it, kinda like a knot in my stomach feeling.
Is it normal for anxiety to make it harder to adjust? If anyone has any tips that would be very appreciated

25-04-22, 17:25
I would say yes it's normal. Unfamiliar surroundings are often hard to cope with.

When I'm away at an unfamiliar place I always make sure I have an area set where I feel comfortable and have my own bits and pieces around, usually the bedroom. That and lots of positive affirmations and becoming familiar with my surroundings. Try not to think about the old house too much.

25-04-22, 17:45
I agree, its completely understandable to be anxious in new surroundings. Familiarity feels safer and there's lots of proverbs on the theme. 'Better the devil you know' etc. As you get used to the new house Panda, I think you'll see the anxiety tail off.

25-04-22, 20:43
Thanks, i really hope so. I don't feel at home here yet.. everytime i think of the old house and enviroment i feel sad, like i wish i was still there kinda. Hopefully adjusting to this new place won't take very long