View Full Version : Anxiety has been at it’s all time worst since January

25-04-22, 17:43
Hi everyone,

Just want to rant about my fears for a bit.
As some of you can tell from the increase in my posts, my anxiety has been absolutely terrible since January when I got sick with COVID. I now fear every little change in my body. It’s so difficult to live this way, every day I am hyper focusing on my heart beat or something else. I’m so tired of this. Completely broken and tired. I just feel like I’m going to pass away at any moment. :(

Im 29 female and I truly have had it very hard since the beginning of this year when I got COVID and was basically bed ridden for 2 weeks. Since then my anxiety has gone to new levels I’ve never experienced before.

I’ve been completely focused and worried on my heart rate and palpitations. My heart always feels like it’s beating faster than usual. Sometimes when I get up too quickly I feel it beat very fast in my chest and that truly scares me. I finally worked up the courage and got some tests done last week, ultrasound, ecg, and 72 hour holter. Currently waiting for the results, but I’m absolutely terrified. I’m also scared of having high blood pressure. I rarely check it, but I’m on birth control and I sometimes think my BP is high.

I have my first therapy session the first week of May. So I’m just waiting for that and my results.

Im on my period this weekend and just feeling extra horrible on top of the anxiety. Feeling lightheaded and nauseous. Also lots of cramping. I just feel so exhausted about everything, I can’t even work because of my fears or even leave the house. It’s gotten so bad, like I said it’s never been this bad before. I’m so shocked that I let it get to this point. But since having COVID I feel worried about my body. I rarely do exercise because of my heart worries but before getting COVID I would walk 40 mins a day and do cardio 3-4 times a week. I can’t even walk 15 mins now without feeling anxious about being too far away from home.

I just feel so overwhelmed. But I’m doing the right things by getting tested and starting CBT. I just wish there was a way to shut off the anxious part in my brain. When I’m busy I don’t feel any symptoms. But it’s so hard not to think about the things that make me anxious.

Any tips would be great. I try to do meditation when it happens, breathing techniques (although these make me pay attention to my heart beat so I don’t do it often), reading, doing puzzles, watch tv. I need to eat healthier and live a healthier life style by working out but I’m even too scared to work out until I get the okay from the cardiologist. Anyone else just feel so done with this health anxiety bullsh*t? :(

Sorry for ranting, just needed to get it out there

26-04-22, 08:54
I can definitely sympathise with you. I've had health anxiety for years. It really does wear a person down. If it's not one symptom then it's another. I find as soon as I sort out one issue, my mind is immediately scanning my body for something else!
Heart issues seem to be extremely common amongst HA sufferer and me too at times. I think I can actually make my heart start pounding really fast just by thinking about it.
Well done for having the tests as that will give you some reassurance.
I found CBT to be a big help as it helps me to think more rationally.
Distraction is my most helpful tool. If you're feeling too tired to do anything physical then try doing some puzzles or games online. Anything that challenges your mind.
I think when you've been through a bad period of health ( as you have with Covid) it's normal to be more concerned about your health
Making an effort to improve your health is a good move, but do be kind to yourself and don't push yourself when you feel low.