View Full Version : Triggered my ha

26-04-22, 01:17
So my health anxiety has been bad lately, its been mainly focused on my heart. But tonight I was eating dinner and I felt like the food was stuck in my throat and giving trouble going down. I've dealt with this in the past where I was sure it was cancer a few years ago (when I was 25) and it was acutely what led me to this group/forum. I tried to shake it off and move on with my night, but I've noticed in the past few weeks that I've been choking more on spit, or regurgitated food specs. Like I'll be sitting down and sunddly be thrown into a coughing fit, as well as having some extra mucus and such like feeling as if I always have post nalse drip. Which after looking into this kinda cancer has freaked me out more (triggering).

"To help pass food through the esophagus, the body makes more saliva. This causes some people to complain of bringing up lots of thick mucus or saliva (spit)."

Really in a bad way atm, any kind words would be appreciated.

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26-04-22, 09:17
When I began to experience anxiety this was one of the first symptoms I had. I felt like had something stuck in my throat and I was constantly gagging on my saliva or battling to swallow my food.
Later my brother experienced the same problem and resorted to liquidising his meals!
I did a lot of research and discovered that this is a very common problem with anxiety sufferers.
Don't Google your symptoms as you'll just get bad news.
But do look up Globus and look at Throat problems with Anxiety.
Once you understand, you'll gain control and once you stop focusing on the problem it will disappear.

26-04-22, 20:14
My first ever post on this website in 2015 was about a lunch feelling in my throat. I had forgotten I even posted it as I was very young but it was 100% anxiety for me. I still get it sometimes now but it doesn't bring on any worry anymore.