View Full Version : Language problems? Help! Freaking out.

27-04-22, 14:13
Hey everyone first time poster and sorry for the long post in advance.

My health anxiety can be pretty bad and last for long periods of time but my most recent problems have got me so worked up I don’t know if it’s anxiety or something more sinister.

I’ve been having issues misreading. I constantly will misread words for others, especially simple words like ‘what’ for ‘that’ or ‘the’ for ‘they’. Sometimes other words too and they also just sometimes seem foreign to me. Sometimes it’s hard to read and focus. Other times I can but I just misread a lot. I know I’m hyper focused on it and noticing it more but recently I even went through a patch where I would read words literally rather than how they sound. Such as reading ‘does’ as ‘dose’. This isn’t all the time and other times I read it fine.

I’ve also had muddled and mixed thoughts in my head when I’m lying in bed. My sentences aren’t fully put together. Admittedly I’m half asleep but my brain will throw random words in that don’t make sense. I notice it and of course freak out.

I’ve been having these issues for a good 8 months now and I’m super worked up about it. I’ve started getting little tics where I feel compelled to make a noise in my throat, or lick my lips/push them out to make a popping sound.

I’m convinced I have young onset dementia. Either PPA (progressive aphasia) or BVFTD dementia. I’m only 27 but I’m so certain these issues are being caused my a slow degeneration of my brain.

Can anyone relate/help to calm my worries?

I’ve seen my Dr who said he didn’t think I had dementia but admitted he’d never heard of PPA and has referred me to neurology just in case…however the wait time is minimum 4 months. Every day is like a living hell and I’m sure I’m slowly deteriorating.