View Full Version : Red spot inside lower eyelid

28-04-22, 12:08
N.B. Apologies - long post!
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing okay.
I'm a very long term HA sufferer - mainly cancer fears. Over the years I've had so many symptoms which I've convinced myself are cancer, and have tried counselling, meditation groups, bio-energy, reiki - you name it. My most recent fear started a couple of days ago. A couple of weeks back I noticed a little pimple on my right lower eyelid. I thought nothing of it - assuming it was a stye. It didn't develop into a head or become painful, it just seemed to go down after a few days. However I had noticed that it had left a tiny notch in my eyelid - not visible unless you look very closely. I pulled my eyelid down, and where the eyelid spot had been there was a small red very slightly raised area. Immediately I had an all encompassing panic attack. Those of us who have experienced them will recognise the feeling - a sudden surge.of adrenaline which starts in your face and travels down every sinew of your body to your feet. Pounding heart, jelly legs, dry mouth, metallic taste, inability to move. Of course, what did I do?.I googled - of course I did, hoping, as we all do, that I would find something to reassure me that it was nothing to worry about. Naturally, none of the articles I could find showed exactly what I have, but every single one mentioned the possibility of cancer - even if it is just as a finishing comment. I showed my husband my eye, he said he didn't think it looked like anything to worry about. He's well acquainted with my 'anxiety goblin', (as I call it) who has perched on my left shoulder for many years, ready to jump at the chance to fill my head with worrying thoughts! I've asked him to check regularly over the past couple of days, and both of us think it might have become a teeny bit smaller, but then I check again and start panicking silently inside. I think perhaps it might be a chazaleon, as it has not been painful or swollen like a stye can be. The notch is barely noticeable, and I have read that chazaleons can take a few weeks to clear up, but they can sometimes leave a notch. Of course I've also read that can be a sign of cancer. I have made a telephone consultation with my lovely GP who understands my anxiety issues, but it's not until May 13th, so three weeks away. Telephone consultation only, mind you - strict covid regulations still prohibit you going for a face to face appointment unless you are specifically advised to come in by the doctor, after which a future appointment will be made. I know I could ask the pharmacist, but I don't want to hear anything which is going to frighten me even more, and if she suggested seeing an optician, we're not allowed into the opticians for drop ins either, so I'd have to wait for an appointment - and if she told me to go urgently, my anxiety would immediately spiral out of control! Taking hour by hour, trying to calm myself down, using all my tactics learned over the years, but let's face it, they only really work if you're anxious about something you've had before which turned out to be okay. When it's something new, it's impossible to reassure yourself. Has anyone else had anything similar? Thank you all for taking the time to read this. God Bless you all. X

28-04-22, 12:22
Try not to stress? Everything is potentially cancer one way or other, and I bet you weren't intimately acquainted with your inner eyelid before this. It's only been a few days, it's very delicate and sensitive tissue. You'll be fine.

28-04-22, 12:44
Thank you BlueIris - I genuinely appreciate your message. 💗 Xxx

20-06-22, 08:17
I have white lumps in my eye and had the exact same fear. It was a bank holiday weekend and couldn't get to see my gp. Ended up at walking centre for the nurse to tell me "it's nothing and cancer doesn't look like that" not a very good bedside manner. I had worked myself up so much that I couldn't eat and had to take four days off work. Now I'm worried about something else. I did a little experiment the other day because my partner always tells me I'm really really warm in the night when I sleep. I know its nothing other then being warm from body heat but I goggled and sure enough. In black and white cancer was one of the potential causes.