View Full Version : Deep wheezing in chest…

29-04-22, 01:02
Hi everyone,

After having COVID in January I feel like I’ve had constant post nasal drip, cough, and this chesty cold feeling. Some days worse than others, I take allergy pills daily and they help but today my post nasal drip feels terrible.

Im also getting this deep wheezing feeling in my chest when I take a deep breath on the exhale. It feels like a short vibration, doesn’t happen with regular breathing, and only sometimes during my deep breath.

I had something similar a couple years ago and they performed an asthma test but it came back clear.

Can post nasal drip cause this? Or asthma?

29-04-22, 03:44

It’s been 3 hours and still on and off wheezing with deep breaths. Feels like a rattle in my chest. I still have lots of post nasal drip too and cough. :(. Im so scared of something serious

29-04-22, 04:11
Hi, I have that most days as I have Long Covid.Also dripping ruddy nose like I have the flu,it’s debilitating.
I can’t do a lot my body won’t let me but I can still walk 10 steps.:D

29-04-22, 04:49
Hi, I have that most days as I have Long Covid.Also dripping ruddy nose like I have the flu,it’s debilitating.
I can’t do a lot my body won’t let me but I can still walk 10 steps.:D

Thank you for responding, I’m so sorry to hear that. How do you not over think the wheezing? It really worries, it’s still happening :(

29-04-22, 10:26
Not Covid, but I have had wheezing caused by post-nasal drip. It's just allergies for me, and the wheezing feeling is caused by air moving past the mucus. It used to freak me out as well, but I don't pay any attention to it now!

Hope you feel better!

29-04-22, 13:54
Not Covid, but I have had wheezing caused by post-nasal drip. It's just allergies for me, and the wheezing feeling is caused by air moving past the mucus. It used to freak me out as well, but I don't pay any attention to it now!

Hope you feel better!

Thank you for this! I actually have chronic seasonal allergies and allergic to dust mites. So it sounds similar to yours. I didn’t realize it was just the air moving past the mucus. That explanation makes it feel a bit better!
Thankfully it went away after 4-5 hours. I blasted my humidifier, used a steamer, and drank lots of tea.

It definitely freaks me out. My chest is now a bit sore from all the deep breaths I took last night. But I woke up this morning and it’s gone! :)

29-04-22, 20:16
Wheezing went away last night but my chest feels kind of sore. Like the centre of my chest feels irritated, when I take a deep breath it hurts there. Probably from how many times I did it last night and all the coughing. :(

05-05-22, 22:49
Hi Anxious Thoughts - I do think I am too very much like you my cough is still very gunky and chesty sounding - the anxiety makes me cough more and I didn’t sleep
At all on Tuesday night as felt I was suffocating on the gunk in throat - it is just so awful and I am hyper conscious of my chest noises and wonder if there is something else going on - I have taken Sudafed again since yesterday trying to get to rid - today was not too bad but again tonight it is awful - I’m sure my anxiety is playing into it too - I do get some people looking worried when I cough but say it is leftover covid not covid - just awful xx take care x

07-05-22, 16:41
Hi Anxious Thoughts - I do think I am too very much like you my cough is still very gunky and chesty sounding - the anxiety makes me cough more and I didn’t sleep
At all on Tuesday night as felt I was suffocating on the gunk in throat - it is just so awful and I am hyper conscious of my chest noises and wonder if there is something else going on - I have taken Sudafed again since yesterday trying to get to rid - today was not too bad but again tonight it is awful - I’m sure my anxiety is playing into it too - I do get some people looking worried when I cough but say it is leftover covid not covid - just awful xx take care x

Hi there, aww it’s just terrible. Have you gone to the doctors?
I’ve had terrible post nasal drip this week, I always have to clear my throat and it’s so painful now after so much coughing.
I noticed usually my mucus is clear, but today I coughed up some yellow thick mucus. A small amount but it is different than usual. I have a phone call with my doctor on Monday so I guess I will let her know.

07-05-22, 20:31
Hi there, aww it’s just terrible. Have you gone to the doctors?
I’ve had terrible post nasal drip this week, I always have to clear my throat and it’s so painful now after so much coughing.
I noticed usually my mucus is clear, but today I coughed up some yellow thick mucus. A small amount but it is different than usual. I have a phone call with my doctor on Monday so I guess I will let her know.

Hi anxious thoughts - no haven’t seen doctor - spoke to them and they just said will take time to go - I really believe the fact I get so anxious about it makes it far far worse and causes the cycle to continue because I feel the mucus in throat and then cough to shift constantly to then just stress how the cough sounds awful - and it just keeps going round - today hasn’t been too bad because I have kept busy but I absolutely know my anxiety is soooo bad at the moment - lots I am stressing over and plus I have lupus so have just had to go back on oral steroids at fairly high dose as covid caused flare in skin - I also suffer with mucus cough and post nasal drip at the time the trees grow their leaves so guessing allergies adding to it - and to top off I keep taking those deep breaths that I can’t get - just wish I could stop the cycle and not keep having to put up with the anxiety and constant worrying - hope you are ok x

14-06-24, 10:27
Hi there I'm dealing with this now, I'm absolutely terrified. I had pneumonia mid April and had 3 lots of antibiotics and then it has come back a third time with back / shoulder and chest pain. You mentioned the deep wheeze on exhale as this is what I have too and it sounds kind of wet. I've got another doctor's appointment this afternoon - I'm hoping my chest x ray was ok but not sure it's back yet. I definitely have post nasal drip but not sure it can cause this level of chest infection/ symptoms

14-06-24, 13:44
Hi there, I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this right now. :(

Good luck at your doctors appointment! Does the wheezing only happen when you lay down? Mine actually went away, I don’t remember how soon after this post, but it only happened when laying down. I think my airways were just tired of coughing and all the post nasal drip. I used an orange puffer right away the second time I had Covid which was in February and this time I didn’t end up with any chest wheezing.