View Full Version : Feel I am disintegrating with overwhelming health anxiety!

29-04-22, 14:03
Hi everyone, I have been reading posts on this forum for some weeks but have finally plucked up courage to post myself, as you all seem so caring. Oh my goodness where do I start? I’m 62 and since February I have been increasingly consumed with health anxiety to the point where I have almost lost my mind. I spent a month in hospital Nov/Dec 2021 with bad ankle fracture. It was horrendous in the hospital and I also caught Covid in there despite being jabbed. I was so relieved to be discharged, but about 3weeks later started to feel bouts of nausea and had urinary issues. To cut a long story short have been prescribed 4 different antibiotics for e-coli uti. Throughout this period and as I type, I have felt more and more nauseous and completely off my food. I cannot stop crying, spend every waking moment terrified that I have bladder/stomach even pancreatic cancer. I saw 2 GPs who took bloods which all came back fine except low Vit D and they said no reason to worry about stomach cancer. I’ve even paid out a fortune to see private GP and private Gastro Consultant - prescribed a PPI to stop stomach acid but neither of them unduly worried. My NHS GP said no reason to have an endoscopy and Consultant was happy for me to wait for non urgent endoscopy and colonoscopy ie 6/8 weeks! All suggested depression/anxiety. The trouble is, I seem to be feeling more and more unwell and struggling to accept the anxiety explanation.I’m in a complete state of panic all the time, crying, terrified, can barely leave the house. Urine still cloudy etc Stomach feels like a brick and weirdly I keep having to move my bra away from front of my stomach as it feels so tight. I have to force myself to eat and feel full after a few mouthfuls, then I feel urge to burp. It all just feels so uncomfortable and as if my stomach is being inflated, but no searing pain, nausea relentless. I am terrified that I have cancer and have been investigating how to get a private endoscopy. GP has prescribed an antidepressant Mirtazapine but after reading up on that I really don’t fancy taking it. My husband is in total despair but being very kind. I am totally consumed with this and cannot function, visit grandchildren happily or take interest in anything. Now get this…hubby said ‘have a couple of glasses of red wine’ and when I do I feel I can eat more comfortably in the evening….I’m guessing that does indicate my anxiety is making things worse! Honestly feel I am losing myself and whatever marbles I have left. Is it a reaction to trauma, covid? Can severe anxiety give you stomach issues? I would be so grateful for your thoughts and experiences - thank you and sorry for long post!

29-04-22, 14:09
Hiya BrockNan59 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

29-04-22, 14:30
Thank you for your welcome Emmz- I’m rather ‘technologically challenged’ and cannot seem to locate my post on the forum. Did I forget to do something ?