View Full Version : Does excess adrenaline have after effects?

29-04-22, 16:01
I know I've posted on this subject before but would still like some more discussion with anyone who experiences this.

I find that when I've had a panic attack or been in a stressful situation where I've had an adrenaline rush, I suffer later with a sort of adrenaline hangover.
I feel tired and achey and a bit like I'm coming down with flu.

Something very stressful happened to me two weeks ago and since then I've felt awful. It's the worst adrenaline hangover I've ever had, if that's what it actually is.

On top of that flu feeling and constant headache I've had neck ache and general aches and pains throughout my body.

I just wondered if anyone else experienced this.

In the past when I've seen the doctor they could never find anything wrong so just treated the symptoms.