View Full Version : Cirrhosis Worries, (Enlarged Spleen, Normal Liver)

30-04-22, 02:31
So worried

In march of this year I had a ct scan of my stomach due to a bad case of diarrhea (they suspected stomach flu) and found I had mild to moderate enlarged spleen with homogenous enhancement. Liver size was normal. The er doc checked my eyes for jaundice but never even mentioned the spleen enlargement and treated me for gastroenteritis. She said I should possibly get an endoscopy. Is this to rule out portal hypertension? The conclusion of the visit was gastroenteritis as well as possible crohn's disease.

Background: male, age 30. Drank from 21 to 29 quit on March 18th 2021 and am 13 months sober.

Well my mind is jumping to the worst conclusion that I could have cirrhosis and portal hypertension leading to the spleen problem. I have light colored stools quite often as well but doctors wrote this off due to my high anxiety.

Do I have hope of being cirrhosis free? My ast and alt levels are on the low side of normal and bilirubin is normal. I'm very concerned. Platelets around 215,000

I would sincerely appreciate any thoughts/input

Thanks so much

05-05-22, 15:46
This may not be super helpful, but something I've learned while trying to chase down a diagnosis for my dog - sometimes our bodies are just atypical and it doesn't always mean something is wrong. They've so far found and tested a bunch of "irregular" structures and have really found nothing, just that his body was built that way.

If all of your levels are normal, and your doctor is not concerned, I would say you are likely just find and need to treat the gastrointestinal issues. Do they have a plan for that?

10-05-22, 07:45

You’ve done your research seeing as you mentioned platelets! Obviously, when the spleen is enlarged due to cirrhosis, it’s because the platelets get swallowed up by the spleen.

A platelet count of 215k is very reassuring. Do you have any other bloods, from over the years, to see how “steady” your platelets are? Obviously, platelets can and do vary from test to test.

It would be highly unusual to have cirrhosis, with an enlarged spleen, and normal platelets. Impossible really.

Did you have your INR checked?

11-05-22, 05:30
I had a CT scan a few months ago for an umbilical hernia diagnosis and they incidentally mentioned that my spleen was slightly enlarged. It was of absolutely no concern to my doctor!