View Full Version : Brest lump

01-05-22, 08:43
Long story alert!
Just when everything is perfect in life and you’re managing your anxieties well, along comes something to ruin it! 10 years ago I found a lump in right breast, this is when my HA started. Had all tests which were clear and told my right boob was very lumpy and I had fibroadenosis. I accepted and moved on but bounced from one HA to another with long periods of peace between dramas! Anyway, I’m now 46 and on Wednesday I was checking myself which possibly wasn’t the best time in the month to do it because they were really tender due to being due on my period this week. I know they always get tender, right more than left, and feel lumpier but now I’m panicking again. I’ve tried to remember what I was told about it being very lumpy and calm myself down by understanding that a week before your period is due isn’t good timing to be checking either. I’ve decided to wait to recheck until my period starts on Thursday and go from there. I’ve not checked them since because I don’t want to make it more swollen by constantly poking but it’s always there in the back of my mind dragging me in. I’m trying to be rational but then worry that by not having it checked by my Gp I’m wasting time. It is bank holiday so they’ll be closed and a week to wait I feel is sensible in terms of managing my HA instead of running to the GP. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

01-05-22, 12:56
I’m trying to be rational but then worry that by not having it checked by my Gp I’m wasting time.

I think you have taken a very sensible approach in everything you've talked about here, given your background and the current situation. It won't 'waste time' , i.e. even if BCs are found, a few weeks here and there, often a few months here and there, make not much difference. Often people are diagnosed and have to wait several weeks before surgery (and thats after several weeks of waiting for the clinic, waiting for biopsy results, waiting for this and that ) and the surgeons don't worry that things will change and make a different prognosis. So, leaving a week and re-checking is perfectly reasonable, and some Drs would encourage that anyway.

01-05-22, 19:02
Thankyou Cary’s. That’s reassuring that you feel the same. I’m keeping busy and trying not to think about it. It must be the only time in my life where I’m wishing for my period to hurry up 🤣

01-05-22, 21:06
By the way I wasn't saying you had anything to worry about, just that the concept of 'wasting a week' isn't relevant. :) Well done you, on the approach!

06-05-22, 08:43
So this morning I’ve woken up in abit of a panic. Although I’d left my boob for a few days, I had a feel and my lump feels really odd like maybe a ridge or tissue. My last lump ,from years ago was quite large and obvious and this one I can only really feel when I’m lying down flat or really deeply poking. Having said that, I’m not sure if my brain is trying to make things up if that makes sense! Don’t you just hate morning anxiety. My period should start today but I’m wondering if it might be late because of my anxious nerves etc. I’m trying to get on with day to day tuff but isn’t it awful how bad thoughts creep back in and sneak up and spoil things. I’ve just moved house, into my husbands dream house which he’s loved since he was 12! It’s about of a wreck inside but outside is beautiful. I’m in the woods with squirrels, my chickens and deer running through. I should be so happy but that’s health anxiety I guess, there to spoil things just when life’s perfect !

09-05-22, 08:33
I’m day 3 of my period. I don’t think I can really feel what I felt before which I should be pleased about but my anxious mind tells me differently. I think it may be best if I make a GP appointment and let her decide which makes me panic as I’ve not been for such a long time but I don’t want to get into an avoidance situation.

09-05-22, 09:05
Well I’ve asked for a GP appointment so I’ll see what they offer me. I’m nervous though ��

09-05-22, 09:20
I’ve got an appointment at 10 today. Very nervous but she told me off for examining myself a week before my period ��

09-05-22, 10:45
So the Dr examined me and could feel the lump. Her exact words were my hearts not sunk because I think it’s hormonal but I’ll refer you as a 2 week wait and to expect a long day at the clinic as it’s a one stop shop. I know I have to trust the Drs years of experience, and remember that when the same happened to me years ago, she said she thought it was fibroadenosis which it was. I’m hoping she’s right again. Not sure how I’m going to get through the next few weeks but after reading many posts on here it has brought me comfort and reassurance. Basically here I go again!

10-05-22, 04:33
Good for you for seeing your GP, and I’m sorry no one has responded to you on here for a bit. Keep us posted after the clinic. I would also trust what she said in the meantime.

10-05-22, 07:40
Good for you for seeing your GP, and I’m sorry no one has responded to you on here for a bit. Keep us posted after the clinic. I would also trust what she said in the meantime.

thankyou Jules. I’m trying to trust what she says and keep it in my mind.
lve woken up this morning very nervous.

anyone any tips on how to keep going?

I told my husband last night about my lump. He’s much calmer than me and always thinks of best case scenario. I wish I could be more like him, telling him took some weight off my shoulders. I think sometimes we forget to think of others when we suffer from anxiety. I’m trying to remember that it’s both of us going through bad times, not just me. Not sure if that sounds silly.

Violet Blue
10-05-22, 16:05
Hi there

I just thought I'd share what happened to me a couple of months ago. I was invited to my first breast screening in February at the age of 51. No history of any problems with my boobs at all, so I had no real anxieties. Just over 2 weeks later I had a letter in the post asking me back for further tests, the appointment they gave me was exactly a week later. The wording of the letter was incredibly scary, but they didn't say what the issue was. Well a day or so later I got continual nagging pain in the left one, it felt swollen, but I don't think I felt a lump (not that I wanted to check).

The day in March came around. I went to our local Breast Care department, very surreal. You can't run from it! You're doing yourself no favours if you don't confront it. I was called to the x-ray room, and yup, they wanted more done of the left, where the pain had been since getting the letter. Mercifully I didn't have to wait long to see the consultant who told me he thought it was a benign cyst which he wanted to aspirate. He couldn't feel anything even. Well you can imagine the relief, tears of joy. Another x-ray lead to the confirmation. As for the pain, he said that was entirely stress, thank you power of the mind.

I can really recommend joining a relevant Facebook page, you will get lots of positive and helpful support. I was already on Perimenopausal Hub, so many ladies had the same thing and were clear.

In terms of anxiety, well it's entirely rational to be worried, but SO COMMON. That would be my advice anyway, but keep us informed.

10-05-22, 20:11
Thankyou violet blue. That must have been very scary. I’m glad it all worked out well for you. Thanks for replying.

despite being very nervous this morning I’ve had a chilled afternoon. I’m at work tomorrow and I’m going to have a chat with one of my colleagues who had a mastectomy last year in may. I’m sure I will benefit from her words of wisdom and experience. I know I’ve not been diagnosed with anything yet and hopefully I won’t be, but I might find her story reassuring if that makes sense.

11-05-22, 19:50
Just a little update. I worked with a lovely colleague today who had a mastectomy last September. We chatted and she reassured me and gave me confidence in a worst case scenario. I was surprised when she said her operation was at 0930 and she was back home at 3pm the same day and walking her beloved dog the next morning with zero pain! Its amazing what our bodies can cope with.

I’ve not had an appointment letter yet, maybe they will just ring me like last time.

12-05-22, 10:11
My appointment has come through. Next Thursday at 130. To say I’m nervous is an understatement. I was hoping it would be sooner just to get it out of the way but never mind at least I’m booked. Any tips to take my mind off it?

Violet Blue
13-05-22, 14:59
Hello Blonde

It's really good news they're not rushing you in to see you, a week wait is standard I think, I'm sure the more suspicious ones can be expedited within a day or so.

Just wait to hear it from the consultant you're clear as having friends and family tell you you'll be OK will be meaningless, you won't believe them.

Everyone at the breast care clinic are very nice and will have seen it all before.

I really would join a Facebook page if you haven't already, you'll find out how common all this is.

It'll go really quickly, good luck!

13-05-22, 20:16
Thankyou for your advice. What FB groups would you suggest? As long as they’re not triggers?

Violet Blue
14-05-22, 01:54

Well I can recommend Perimenopausal Hub, the one I'm on. There's women far younger than you on there, they won't know if you're not actually perimenopausal (I joined aged 50). You can join, ask the question and leave if you want. If you say you are very nervous and ONLY want reassuring responses they'll understand and comply. I can't remember how many responses I had but I think over 20 women from Britain and America responded, all saying they were clear too. Remember your gp thinks it's probably hormonal, they really know their stuff.

As I say you still have to wait for the consultant on Thursday but you'll feel more positive.

I think you're dealing with this really well. 💕

14-05-22, 12:03
Thankyou for the info. I’m at work this morning so I’ll look later. Just need to try and stay calm

17-05-22, 07:14
Well it’s 2 more sleeps until my appointment.. I’m trying to stay positive and I stead of dreading my appointment, I’m trying to look forward to it and turn my anxiety into excitement in an attempt to trick my brain. I’m not sure it’s working because it’s waking me up with knots in my stomach and it’s the first thing I think of when I open my eyes. Waiting is definitely the hardest part

Violet Blue
18-05-22, 14:41
All the best for tomorrow, I'll be thinking about you. You'll probably find reserves of strength you didn't know you had. Before you'll know it you'll get the all clear. Xxx

18-05-22, 19:07
Thankyou so much. That’s means a lot. Not sure how I’ll sleep tonight or how I’ll be in The morning but reading everyone’s comments has been helpful beyond belief.

18-05-22, 22:27
Hope everything goes ok tomorrow

19-05-22, 08:09
Hope everything goes ok tomorrow

thankyou stick.

I’ve got up this morning and done my usual bits and bobs. My husband has gone to work and will pick me up at 1230. I can’t help but feel that in a few hours my life could be completely different. I’m so nervous. I know I’ve been in this situation before but heading towards 47 I just keep thinking is it my turn now. It’s hard to stay positive when I’m basically in no man’s land and I know people here say that until someone tells you it’s something, it’s nothing but it’s hard to keep focused.

Violet Blue
19-05-22, 08:49
Yes, it's normal to think like that, even if there's 1% chance, you think you're that 1%. That's why the relief is enormous when it's over. Honestly though I am the world's biggest scaredy cat, and I got through it. I'm a natural chatterbox, so for me I found others I could talk to, but everyone deals with it differently sitting in that waiting room. You're doing the right thing, remember that. All the very best. Hear from you after x

19-05-22, 16:20
Just to up date you. I had the full works done, mammogram and uss. All clear. The relief is immense. My husband is taking me out for lunch to celebrate. Thankyou all for reading and replying x

19-05-22, 16:38
That's fantastic news...I haven't been following your thread but I can appreciate just how relieved and exhausted you must be feeling now! But most of all...jubilant.

Enjoy your celebration lunch and look forward to better times ahead now that you have the reassurance from all those tests! x

19-05-22, 16:44
So pleased to hear that. I know the relief will be immense. Enjoy your lunch and have a relaxing evening and rest

Violet Blue
19-05-22, 18:43
Fantastic news! Now you can help other ladies going through it too! Well done for facing it, here's to healthy boobs! X

19-05-22, 21:07
Thankyou all. The relief is immense and I’m absolutely shattered. I will continue to support others so yes here’s to healthy boobs and girl power!