View Full Version : Pulmonary embolism??

01-05-22, 08:55
Hello everyone. So I noticed about two days ago, I have been getting an upper back shoulder blade pain feeling when I take deep breaths. Or move a certain way. I notice if I’m laying on my side and turn my head, the pain almost completely goes away when I take a deep breath. It’s still there but nowhere near as bad. Certain positions help the pain and others make it worse. The pain is kinda a stabbing ache kinda pain. I asked my mom to push on my back and I noticed it hurt worse. I’m also now starting to feel a warm kinda weakness in my arm on the side of the back pain. Does this sound like a pulmonary embolism? Or back muscle pain??

01-05-22, 09:02
It sounds remarkably like muscle pain, especially as the pain is positional..

So, can you make a connection here? What have you been doing over the last few days where you could have pulled a muscle? But, also, I can pull muscles without exerting myself but it helps to find the connection, right?

01-05-22, 12:58
I know the other day I was sitting on the bathroom floor for an hour or two cleaning the toilet and bathtub. That might be it?

01-05-22, 13:14
It's not a pulmonary embolism.

A colleague of mine had one and it left him distressingly breathless even after a short (say, 100 yds) walk - as in, gasping for breath between words.

Yours sounds muscular. Rest and gentle exercise, along with an appropriate painkiller will see you right :)

02-05-22, 06:58
I know the other day I was sitting on the bathroom floor for an hour or two cleaning the toilet and bathtub. That might be it?

That could do it, yes..