View Full Version : DVT panic.

01-05-22, 17:58
Hope someone can help. I have anxiety, OCD and depression. Massive health anxiety problem for which I'm having CBT for and I'm on Fluoxetine. I had a pain in my calf about three weeks ago, got it into my head that it was a DVT, went to the doctors, he measured my leg, felt it, did a pulse oximeter and heart rate and he said nothing makes him suspicious. Now I was fine for a few hours, then because the pain didn't go away, I've kept moving it, stretching it etc to try make the pain go. I now seem to have forgotten how to walk, I'm walking with my leg really stiff because I'm scared of it and really conscious of it and I cant stop, so I've no idea if I'm making it hurt by tensing it up or if I need to go back to the doctor. No redness, no blue colouring, no heat, no swelling, im 37, already been checked for clotting disorders so I'm not high risk in that way and I'm not overweight. I'm in such a massive panic about it.

01-05-22, 18:11
You've been cleared by a medical professional who did a thorough examination and testing so you're creating this in your own mind and making a mountain out of absolutely nothing :shrug:


01-05-22, 18:11
My dad currently has 2 blood clots and they were quickly diagnosed with the above you said you had. Most likely you have muscle cramps and your anxiety is hyperfocusing on it! Magnesium is good for cramps, but it sounds like you certainly don't need to worry about DVT :)

01-05-22, 19:13
Thank you, I think its because I've not had the full works of testing etc so I'm struggling to accept it. Read about D Dimers and ultrasounds and I've not had either of those. I find it very difficult to trust doctors especially GP's.

01-05-22, 21:21
My dad didn't receieve an ultrasound until he was already diagnosed with having a blood clot, nor did my mum when she had hers. They were quickly diagnosed by symptoms and the lack of oxygen in the limb with the pulsometer. Doctors are very skilled at finding these things, try not to worry too much! I know how it feels when your anxiety won't let go of a worry.

02-05-22, 01:41
I've said elsewhere: I know someone much older than you, in much poorer health, who had a DVT that was missed. They have had *extensive* vein problems, and evidently it was yet another surgery for one of those vein problems that caused it. They actually had a serious fall and broke a bone from it, then went another whole week and a half with it, before the clot, which by now was backed up to include most of their leg, broke off a chunk that went to their lungs and gave them a PE. Even so, with a PE, they waited a day before going to their pulmonologist, who sent them straight to the ER, right on the spot. After 24 hours... *they were fine.* Like, completely fine. And they've been on pill form blood thinners since... and have been totally fine. They are over 60 and this happened to them a good 5 years or so ago, now.

Why am I telling you this? Because DVTs and PEs throw a lot of HA people into a tizzy but in reality... the vast majority of people who have them end up 100% ok. Really. Truly.

You've been checked out -- nobody except you is concerned. Why are you still hurting? Honestly, could be *anything,* given that calves are very easy to injure.

Probability that your doc missed a DVT? Low. Probability that you're creating psychosomatic pain that mimics a thing you fear? High. :)

02-05-22, 16:35
Thank you everyone, I calmed down a lot after reading your replies and now I'm back to panic again because it was hurting while I was walking around the supermarket. I was getting really stressed because I just wanted to get out of there and go home.

03-05-22, 13:47
Back at work today after being off for a month and I thought it would take my mind off this but it just hasn't. I'm completely fed up.

03-05-22, 23:43
Sorry you're still struggling but its still not a DVT.


05-05-22, 11:27
The pains are still there, so if it's my anxiety hiw can I stop it? I'm doing all the right things, I'm having counselling, I'm taking the tablets, I have a job and my own business and a child to look after so I'm definitely distracted, I don't know how to stop it?

05-05-22, 13:44
Maybe you have no options left but to accept it. This is not a bad thing. Walk normally ( walking with your leg all tensed up is bound to be causing aches and pains) Tell your councillor about your fears and see if they can give you any tips on accepting it. You’re keeping busy which is good but accept it’s there and let time pass.

Just a thought you haven’t had cramp have you? I did several days ago and my calf still hurts days later.

05-05-22, 14:20
I cant remember having cramp no. I just feel tensed up all the time.