View Full Version : Wheeze on top of chest when exhaling after covid anyone had similar?

02-05-22, 17:25

So the panic isn't as bad now but it still spikes but just more curious than anything if anyone has had anything similar, i finally tested negative for covid last tuesday so it's been 6 days since but i still have this slight wheeze feeling at the top of my chest it only really occurs when i breath out more forcefully I can't get it to do it with nose breathing just if i breath out more forcefully with my mouth but it's been 6 days now and i thought it would have gone away but it hasn't the only issue I'm struggling with now is I am hyperfixated with my breathing I keep putting my hand on my chest and breathing in and out just incase there is a wheeze and it sends me into panic mode. It seems to be more in the morning when i can really feel it and it goes away if i keep forcefully breathing in and out but it does come back later on or when i move around. It's basically like a small wheeze/rattle i can feel when it is there is this something that's common after covid and will it go away maybe take a few weeks? I also have a slight cough that's more at night still and weird feelings every now and then in my throat that's annoying me but not sure if that's anxiety or not. I'm not really breahtless or anything like that i can still do everything i need to do in my day it's just starting to freak me out now.

03-05-22, 02:00
Have you checked with your doctor about this? I had COVID back in January but never had wheezing until much later on. I’m still coping with side effects like post nasal drip and cough. I feel like my seasonal allergies are very heightened as well.

I had wheezing Thursday night last week and it set my anxiety off so I totally understand how you feel. My dr prescribed me a fluticasone puffer a couple weeks after COVID and I’ve been taking that since and seems to help!

Do you have post nasal drip? I noticed that is what mostly causes the wheezing, when I lay on my back and it goes into my lungs. Humidifiers help, as well as drinking warm tea, and using a salt water saline rinse. Hope you feel better!!

05-05-22, 22:22
I too had covid beginning of February and still have a very chesty loose cough and get a wheeze and super bad post nasal drip
And congestion with mucus in throat - don’t think cough is from chest but the mucus - it sends me into absolute panic as have health anxieties around breathing and cough at best of times - agree with anxious thoughts about allergies seem super bad too on top - please know you are not alone and I know it feels forever but I’m 13 weeks since positive test now 🥰