View Full Version : Nic (NoMorePanic)

02-05-22, 20:41
Nic could do with a few good wishes at the minute.... so please send a few her way if you have two minutes :)

https://gifburg.com/images/gifs/virtual-hug/gifs/0002.gif https://c.tenor.com/zsDDPZ71nC0AAAAM/chibird-megaphone.gif

02-05-22, 20:48
Sending love and good wishes. Feel better, Nic!

02-05-22, 21:01
Likewise from me....and I hope things improve for you as soon as possible xx

02-05-22, 21:03
Sending lots of love x

02-05-22, 21:19
Sending (hugs) and best wishes x

03-05-22, 11:49
Thank you all.:yesyes:

I just got out of hospital yesterday after spending a week there.

I had been very unwell with bowel and abdominal pains for 6 weeks and had been given various diagnosis from IBS to trapped wind and constipation.

Things got much worse and I had to have emergency surgery 8 days ago due to a bowel blockage and have had to have a stoma bag fitted until they find the cause of the blockage.:ohmy:

It is taking a lot of getting used to and I am still recovering from the surgery but I am back home now and resting.:yesyes:

03-05-22, 12:14
I'm so very sorry, Nic, but glad you're home and feeling a little better.

03-05-22, 13:10
Very glad you are back at home. Look after yourself, we are all thinking of you.:flowers:

03-05-22, 13:17
It sounds as if you have really been through the mill, Nic. You must be exhausted after such major surgery. Please rest as much as you can and concentrate on your recovery..I'm so sorry that you have to deal with a bag temporarily as that must be far from easy xx

03-05-22, 15:40
Wow that sounds like a lot to handle Nic. I hope they work out the cause of the blockage asap. How wonderful that stoma bags are a thing in this day and age. I watched a period drama set in the 18th century and people didn't survive surgery back then. Modern medicine can do so much. Hope you are recovering well after your surgery.

03-05-22, 18:12
Oh no, Nic, that's awful. Hoping you are feeling better and go back to normal or better than normal really quickly.

03-05-22, 18:26
Good grief, what a lot to deal with! Glad you're back home now and they're working on getting to the bottom of it.

Rest as much as you need to and take care of yourself.

03-05-22, 19:56
Do you get support at home from a stoma care nurse, Nic? It's such a lot to deal with when you're recovering from surgery. You've been so very unlucky with your health recently.

04-05-22, 03:33
Get lots of rest, sending healing thoughts your way!!

04-05-22, 13:40
Thanks everyone - it was lovely to read your messages today.

pulisa - yes I get support from the stoma nurse who has been a big help.

I am struggling with the bags and it is a lot to take on and I have had several accidents along the way with the bags leaking etc but it is just something that I have to live with for now.

I am waiting for further tests and depending on what they show there is hope in a few months the stoma will be reversed but we have to wait and see.

I am unable to work as I can't even drive at the moment so there is a big financial worry as I am self-employed.

I appreciate all the support from you all


04-05-22, 17:33
I’m sorry you’ve been so poorly & have so much to deal with Nic.
Thinking of you & sending lots of love your way xx

04-05-22, 19:57
Hi Nic, so sorry to hear you are not well. Hope all goes well for you in the coming weeks. Thinking of you, sending you best wishes xxx

09-05-22, 16:13
How are you doing, Nic? You've got such a lot to get used to with the colostomy bag. I don't know how I'd cope..AND you've got financial issues as you can't work. I don't know anything about self employment but surely there must be some form of financial aid you can get due to surgery and inability to work?

09-05-22, 16:17
Thank you all.:yesyes:

I just got out of hospital yesterday after spending a week there.

I had been very unwell with bowel and abdominal pains for 6 weeks and had been given various diagnosis from IBS to trapped wind and constipation.

Things got much worse and I had to have emergency surgery 8 days ago due to a bowel blockage and have had to have a stoma bag fitted until they find the cause of the blockage.:ohmy:

It is taking a lot of getting used to and I am still recovering from the surgery but I am back home now and resting.:yesyes:

Blimey Nic, you were blocked up and I was shitting for Britain! :scared15:

Good to hear you're back home and resting up.

We will endeavour to keep you entertained while you recuperate.

17-05-22, 18:36
Thanks all.

Sorry for not replying earlier.

Pulisa - I am not coping very well and hate the bag. I have to empty it up to 10 times a day/night and a few times of these are overnight so it is disturbing my sleep. The stoma nurse is coming to see me tomorrow as I am still in a lot of pain as well. I have applied for ESA and PIP but not sure I will get PIP.

Nora - I usually go about 5 times a day so no idea why I got a blockage in the bowel but they think it could be related to Crohn's or of course they say it could be something like cancer (but they have to say that). I am still waiting on tests.

I thought I would cope better than I am and I can't imagine having this long term so hoping it can be reversed in a few months time.

17-05-22, 19:07
it must be incredibly difficult to adapt to functioning with a bag and having to empty it so often including during the night is just not acceptable or doable especially when your precious sleep is shot to pieces..I really hope that the stoma care nurse can come up with some decent advice tomorrow..She should do-it's her job to make sure her patients aren't put in impossible situations like this! As for "coping"...I think you are in a really challenging situation and have been left in the lurch following major surgery. You are coping with too much completely on your own. I sincerely hope that after tomorrow things will improve at least in the practical sense xxx

18-05-22, 17:57
Really sorry you’re struggling. I hope the nurse can help.

18-05-22, 18:51

18-05-22, 19:24

18-05-22, 19:45
Hope the visit today was useful and that something better can be offered to help with both the pain and the mechanics of the bag?

18-05-22, 20:44
Sending you a lot of positive thoughts Nicole! I hope your situation will improve soon.

Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk

19-05-22, 07:51
I thought I would cope better than I am and I can't imagine having this long term so hoping it can be reversed in a few months time.

They'll sort you out soon, Nic. You just have to hang on in there, take things a day at a time, and try not to let your thoughts to run away with you. BIG ask I know, as this is a major challenge and not just on a physical level. And pain makes everything so much worse.. The situation will improve when your pain is being managed and this should be a matter of priority..

Sending you love and positive vibes. :bighug1:

19-05-22, 08:26
And being exhausted from all the bag maintenance will make being able to manage the pain even harder..which hopefully the nurse realised yesterday.

Really hope she gets her act together to make just getting through the hours more manageable for you, Nic. Horrible situation for you to be in at the moment:hugs:

19-05-22, 09:21
I have just come across this thread Nic and I am so sorry you are having a hard time at the moment. I hope you are able to rest and are being well cared for. You have provided a lifeline to so many with NMP - you are an incredible person. I hope you feel better soon xxxx

27-05-22, 21:49
thanks all.

I have the sigmoidoscopy tomorrow so maybe that will give me some good news and we can look to removing the stoma sometime soon.

Still in a lot of pain and the area is still swollen and really hurting but I am hoping there is good news ahead.

I appreciate all the messages and support so thanks all xxx

28-05-22, 17:57
Hope the procedure went as smoothly as possible and that you had some reassuring news today xx

09-12-22, 23:03
Hi Nic. So sorry to hear you've been having health issues this year. I do hope things are improving since you last posted.
Sending you lots of hugs and positive energy to get well soon x :)