View Full Version : Teeth anxiety

03-05-22, 00:02
Recently I’ve been obsessing over my teeth, I’m only 22 but have terrible teeth due to genetics and just not taking care of them when I was younger. I have all my teeth but majority of back ones are filled and already have 2 root canals. I noticed that one of my gums have receded slightly and I had a tiny bit of tartar build up on bottom teeth so plucked up the courage to go to the dentist as I haven’t been in 2/3 years cos of covid. I was pretty much expecting the worst when I went, I’ve convinced myself all my front teeth will fall out and that I’ll look awful and my boyfriend will leave me because of the state I’ll look. When I went he said everything was fine bar my enamel was worn in some places so has given me high fluoride toothpaste as I obviously am prone to decay. I’m now obsessed about my enamel now and since that appointment I keep feeling like my teeth are sensitive and have pains all over even though I never had that before? Tonight my front upper teeth feel weird and sensitive and for about 2 hours have felt like I’ve got on and off toothache on my bottom front teeth, I’m freaking out as I’m convinced that one by one they’re all gonna decay and need removed but I’m not sure if my anxiety can cause these phantom pains as it’s only happened since the appointment last Thursday. Any thoughts?

03-05-22, 13:20
Anxiety can and does manifest itself in all sorts of aches and pain when we start obsessing over a particular part of our body. This is similar to going to a doctor and not believing them when you are told you’re fine. Your dentist has given you the all clear, apart from worn enamel which loads of people must have. Are you doing anything about your anxiety?

03-05-22, 13:40
My dentist has given me the special toothpaste (2800mm high fluoride toothpaste) the first dentist who gave me this toothpaste put me on the 5000ppm.

03-05-22, 17:21
I have been put on duraphat 5000ppm but since using it I my teeth feel weird, like they have pains in all of them but I’ve only used it since the day of the dentist so not sure if it’s anxiety that’s making me feel these pains. I’m not doing anything for my anxiety, it’s gotten to the point where I hate being alone as I’m constantly staring at my teeth, looking to see if they look worse than half an hour before when I last checked them. It’s not toothache as such in my bottom front teeth, more like a weird pressure sensitive feeling but I’m actually terrified that within the next few years I’m gonna have gaps everywhere. I’m scared to eat or drink anything that has any bit of sugar or anything that’s acidy that would attack my enamel, it’s getting a bit obsessive:(

03-05-22, 23:45
Hyper-focusing and imagination.....


05-05-22, 16:18
You're definitely hyper-focusing. Also, my teeth are often a bit sore after a good dental cleaning - they really dig in and it can obviously cause some soreness. Consider also that you may be brushing more aggressively because you're obsessing about your teeth.

I will add - All my back teeth have fillings, I've had a root canal and a crown put on, had one tooth entirely removed because of recurrent infection, and once didn't go to the dentist for like 6 years straight. When I did go back, I had one cavity, slightly receding gums, and gingivitis. I went for more frequent cleanings for a few months to get back on track and then everything was fine and I haven't had a cavity or other problems since (it's been about 7 years now).

You teeth will be fine! It's a good thing you went to the dentist and got them checked and cleaned. Your teeth are not going to systematically decay and fall out. Just keep up with your regular dental visits and you'll be good. Your dentist told you your teeth were fine. Everyone loses a bit of enamel over time from just regular life.

Also, if you're having pain why not just call the dentist and say - I'm having some pain, not sure if it could be this new stuff you gave me. If he says that doesn't cause pain then you know it's just in your head or residual from the cleaning. If he says it can, then he can probably recommend something else.

31-05-22, 10:32
I’m back again with severe anxiety about it again. Inbetween my front tooth and tooth next to it looks like it had decayed a bit, which I had when I went to dentist but he never said anything about it! (This area could be where he meant by it doesn’t quite need a filling yet) it looks so much worse and obvious over past few weeks and looks like something stuck in my tooth. And of course since I’ve started worrying about it I sometimes get random zaps of pain so not actual toothache but it’s stressing me out so bad, what if I lose my front teeth😭 I’ve booked another appointment but can’t be seen until next Thursday evening and I am just so depressed about it. It’s high in between the teeth so I’m stressed thet there’s nothing that can be done about it

06-01-23, 18:14
I’m back again with severe anxiety about it again. Inbetween my front tooth and tooth next to it looks like it had decayed a bit, which I had when I went to dentist but he never said anything about it! (This area could be where he meant by it doesn’t quite need a filling yet) it looks so much worse and obvious over past few weeks and looks like something stuck in my tooth. And of course since I’ve started worrying about it I sometimes get random zaps of pain so not actual toothache but it’s stressing me out so bad, what if I lose my front teeth😭 I’ve booked another appointment but can’t be seen until next Thursday evening and I am just so depressed about it. It’s high in between the teeth so I’m stressed thet there’s nothing that can be done about it

I will say that I many times have been SURE I had some issue and then it turned out to be a discoloration or really nothing at all.

Other times yes I needed work - but a week here or there wouldn't make the biggest difference.

I'd also add that in terms of sensitivity, weird sensations, zapping, and all that, it can ALL be caused by anxiety believe it or not. Anxiety can cause jaw clenching and teeth grinding (bruxism) which can really mess with how your mouth feels. I've been to the dentist SURE I had a huge cavity and it turned out to just be a tight jaw that once I realized that it got better.

Of course teeth do need care and you should get regular workups - but the random feelings CAN still be attributed to clenching/grinding stemming from anxiety.