View Full Version : Worried about sun sensitivity and mottled skin - lupus?

03-05-22, 18:16
My HA is acting up again just in time for summer. :-( I just got through a breast cancer fear with a clean mammogram, and now it's decided to redirect itself to make me think I have lupus or some autoimmune disease. I've noticed the skin on my upper arms looking just faintly mottled (it comes and goes). Going out into the heat or sun seems to exacerbate it a little, but it always fades when I am back inside. I made the mistake of Googling and found the term livedo reticularis and that it can be a symptom of lupus and now I think I have it.

I also freaked out because I sat in the sun with no sunscreen for an hour and my arms looked sort of splotchy, but it became a light sunburn that then faded into a tan. Can the sun give you a patchy appearance like that initially?

Does this count as photosensitivity? Does anything like this happen to you? I haven't been to my GP in several years as I am too scared to find out something terrible is wrong (have seen my GYN and normal urine tests, but she doesn't do blood tests).

Now of course I'm looking closely all over my skin and thinking it's everywhere.

03-05-22, 23:46
Hyper focusing and HA imagination...


04-05-22, 05:20
I always get splotchy in the sun.